a timing of question

Just needed some confirmation on an important horary.

After reading the general horary articles on this site, i figure the timing of the question is the important. Lily said somewhere to sleep over the question for 24 hrs.

Could people experienced in horary questions/chart (specifically when asking them yourself) please tell me whether when you have thought up an important question on an impending issue - did you ever get an overwhelming feeling of apprehension about when to commit to the question and do a chart.

Would that be 1. Just plan apprehension of getting an undesirable answer or 2. the cosmos gently probing you to wait to a more appropriate time.

4 doorz
:? :? :?
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "That was fckn awesome!!"

If there?s one thing that astrology has taught me, it?s that there is a sense of timing to everything, harsh experiences are usually there for good reason, and no amount of astrological knowledge will manipulate a cock-up into a success. So I don?t frequently draw up horary charts for my own issues. When I do, it?s because I have a lot of trouble getting a problem off my mind and the only way to get rid of the anxiety or frustration is to seek astrological guidance on how to approach, deal with or resolve the situation that?s besetting me. When I?m in that state I don?t stop and consider that the transits are bad and I might not get a positive response. Often I expect the chart to show some lousy signification otherwise it wouldn?t match the sense of helplessness that drove me to cast the horary. My best advice is this ? if you can resist asking the question do that; if you can?t you?ve probably got a good horary moment.