Will this man approach/interact with me in the next 50 days?

I'm having trouble with this chart because I am bit too invested in one outcome
I really don't want anything to do with him.

This guy I've encountered through work. He is not my boss/someone in charge, he is not my emplyee or someone that I employ, but I wouldn't categories him as a co-worker either because he works through an agency where he can dictate what day to day locations he works at or if he even wants to work on a specific day.


Since moon shows what is coming up.
Moon can also co-rule question. before, I move onto my translation. I notice a grand trine between myself (mercury rx) moon, and neptune.
While this is probably not something used in horary well I never used in horary it just stood out to me.
Neptune: lies, deception, illusions
Trines being aspects that allows the nature of the planet/condition of the planet to easily manifest whether the nature/condition of the planet is good or bad.

Maybe I'm letting my imagination get the best of me that he will engage with me again when I have avoided him and well not used the phone number he gave me to contact him. That my illusion is nothing more that high worries that I won't have peace.

Anyway onto translation

Mercury/virgo is me
Since he's not a boss/authority figure nor is he my employee. Then I would put him as 7th house.

Jupiter is in Sagittarius (own sign), angular house (4th), mutable sign.
In my sign of detriment (mercury)
Neptune is in 7th showing there could be a lot of illusions, lies, deceptions

Mercury is retrograde, candent, and fixed sign.
I think it being retrograde is quite fitting. I'm distancing myself.
Being in a cadent and fixed sign also shows me not being the one to initiate anything with him.

While there is no aspect between me and Jupiter.

Moon that co-rules the chart is making a trine to me.
I'm in moon's fall. So That probably highlight whatever my biggest dislike of him is maybe on the far end where it could be exaggerated.

Moon is in cancer, own sign, angular, cardinal sign.
There is a trine aspect between moon and mercury. Trines allow the nature of the planets to easily manifest. Trines are usually yes.

Moon does rule a beneficial house and it is strong. It could be enough to grant my wish of at least no interactions/approaches from this man for the next 50 days

I truly want this chart to be a No. But, besides the main rulers no aspects (making it a no) but the moon aspecting me which could be enough for a yes since moon shows future events of the chart. This could be a yes.

This chart goes/lasts until January 6th
Let the cookie crumble how it will crumble.

Hello - would you mind describing him? Saturn seems to be standing out. The 5th can lord agents and people who are like freelancers. I have seen it in real estate questions lately. Mercury is moving away from it and the Moon is moving to oppose it in the future and the nodes are involved with the Moon and maybe arguably with Saturn. It seems odd that if you were having discord with someone that they be represented as Jupiter in Sag conjunct Venus. Jupiter might be someone else involved in the situation though, as it does aspect Mars, the dispositor of Mercury and Mars in the 3rd would suggest a difficult communication or interaction that is perhaps a problem but that maybe a Jupiter influence is helping with or tried to. Mercury is carrying the light of Saturn backwards towards the Moon and the Moon is within orb of Saturn itself via opposition. Oppositions often represent disagreements and both are in signs that the other has no strength, which makes the opposition more difficult - lack of reception. Moon is coming from the 11th, which is 2nd from the 10th and could represent finances or resources of the job, or allies from the job?

Did an important event happen around the 13th when Mercury and Saturn aspected? Or a unit of measurement in time that is 3 - 3 weeks or months, etc. Maybe that might help decide if they are Saturn. If they are Saturn there is an aspect between Mercury and Moon where Mercury holds an influence of Saturn that might suggest a repeat episode that then leads to a situation that is difficult but might lead to a resolution of the problem (since Moon is strong) - the opposition. Especially too since Mercury turns direct soon. Saturn in the 5th might suggest an unwanted encounter or misunderstanding related to the 5th house.

If they are Jupiter, I agree with your analysis that there is nothing to emphasize a future influence.

A retrograde querent is a consideration (or at least something to take note of). It is under the beams too. Per Lilly:
A Retrograde Planet, or one in his first station, Significator in Question, denotes ill in the Question, discord and much contradiction.
A Planet within 12 degrees of the Sun, is said to be under his Beames, and then hath not fortitude, let it be in what Signe it will.
If it were me, I would approach the matter with caution and assume that I might be mistaken or that I might make the matter worse for myself if there were to be an interaction and to then proceed with caution or have some sort of mediator take over the matter rather than be involved with it myself.

On phone so will respond more indepth. I will also send pm detailing the encounter.

Saturn could very well be him..i thought of using saturn. He is as old as my father, said sexual lude stuff to me. That was first encounter...second encounter he came to my office in a section of the building where you can only get in with a key. Then later that day watches me from afar and walks up to me to give me a weird card with his phone number.

But, everyone at work knows how weird he is acting toward me, spoke about it with 4 co-workers. Definitely unprofessional and I don't like the image it is giving off.

I'll send pm with back info.
1st encounter was 1 day and 2nd encounter was another day.
Last edited by EleanorLouise on Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Let the cookie crumble how it will crumble.

Saturn describes this so well. I was going to basically say this but didn't want to be presumptuous so just called it unwanted 5th house energies. Lol

What a creep, clearly.

I think the chart suggests that if he reaches out again to get someone else involved, like HR. I think the benefics angular in the 4th (end of the matter) are suggesting that there are people who could help.

Tanit3333 wrote:Saturn describes this so well. I was going to basically say this but didn't want to be presumptuous so just called it unwanted 5th house energies. Lol

Lol I figured that is what you meant by unwanted 5th house energies, but was being tactful about it lol

What a creep, clearly.

I think the chart suggests that if he reaches out again to get someone else involved, like HR. I think the benefics angular in the 4th (end of the matter) are suggesting that there are people who could help.
I know two of my co-workers was like "This is just crazy. I'm going to tell them about him." So he might have already be thrown to the side already.

Well hopefully I won't have to deal with him again that he gets the message.
At this point I have rejected him in 3 different manners.

I am also hoping me being near sun makes me "hidden" lol Even though I am moving away from sun.

I'll update you 1st week of january. Thank you for looking at it and reading my PM
Let the cookie crumble how it will crumble.

update: So far no contact with this man. Doubtful I will have contact with this man by the time the 4th come because I'm off for some time period and when I return there will only be 2 days left to this time limit set for the chart.

How it happened.someone who works in the same office/room as me (we share it) This person was going to be out for personal reasons. I was like I don't want that guy to possibly fill in your position for the day to give aid for my workload. (pretty much be of assistance) So the co-worker told the person who schedule that I don't like this person and want to avoid them. So far no contact with this male.

11th might be someone who aids me like I believe we discussed above.
Anyway, it acted in beneficial way

I'll update if anything changes. Never know might pop up those last 2 days of time period.
Let the cookie crumble how it will crumble.

Eleanor - I am glad those other people were able to help you and am sorry you have to deal with the possibility of his presence at all. Thanks for the update and good luck avoiding him in the future. Happy holidays!

Tanit3333 wrote:Eleanor - I am glad those other people were able to help you and am sorry you have to deal with the possibility of his presence at all. Thanks for the update and good luck avoiding him in the future. Happy holidays!
Thank you :) and happy holidays to you too.
Let the cookie crumble how it will crumble.