
Ok, so I post here Stormy Daniels chart as well with transiting Neptune.
Transits show last year when the Trump Scandal was due....
Neptune had just entered Purva bhadrapada....

.Sidereal chart


Stefan, showing current transits to natal planets as you are doing is a wonderful way of demonstrating the energies of lunar mansions!! Transits can also weed out questionable traits (from various texts) that may not belong to the mansion if effects aren't what are expected. Thank you for these examples.

We're in an exciting time to learn about the mansions as there is so much new material that has suddenly appeared since the 1990s that isn't in ancient texts. It's like India's astrology is continuing to evolve and change, just as western astrology is doing since old texts are being translated.

Tropical astrologers can use your examples since mansion traits will show through in their signs. Here is a conversion table (tropical positions of mansions) for anyone who would like to follow your messages in the tropical zodiac: http://www.snowcrest.net/sunrise/amansions.htm
(This table can be printed for reference.)

"Lunar mansions" is actually a more descriptive name than "nakshatras" as nakshatras referred only to specific stars at various distances from each other. "Mansion" covers an entire 13 deg 20 min area of the sky.

For students who really want to get deeply into the mansions, Radhe's new book The Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakshatras is the newest publication on the deities of the mansions (Shree Ganapati Publications, 2015). This book is mainly for the dedicated student (somewhat difficult to read) but goes back to the core meanings of the nakshatras from India's most ancient texts.

For students who want to read more about the mansions, my two favorite texts are Mansions of the Moon by Kenneth Johnson, and by far the most detailed book on the mansions, Prash Trivedi's 27 Celestial Portals.

And thank you for making your charts smaller so they fit on my older square screen and text doesn't run off the screen! (For your examples it would be helpful to list the degrees of the mansion in the zodiac. The table reference above has the tropical degrees to note along with the sidereal.)
Last edited by Therese Hamilton on Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thanks Therese and James....

Great convertion table from Sidereal to tropical degrees of the mansions. I will making a copy of it for reference.
I will try to obtain a copy of the new book that you refer to about the lunar mansions. "The Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakshatras"
I have not read or seen Kenneth Johnsons book about this subject.

I have done extensive online studies with James Kelleher for years, who uses the symbolic themes of the mansions a lot integrated into his work with often stunning results imo. His book "Path of Light" have a good section about the mansions/nakshatras with fine illustrations as well.

I second your opinion prash trivedi's book as a good resource.

Stefan wrote:
I have done extensive online studies with James Kelleher for years, who uses the symbolic themes of the mansions a lot integrated into his work with often stunning results imo. His book "Path of Light" have [has] a good section about the mansions/nakshatras with fine illustrations as well.
Sigh....just when I thought that finally I didn't have to purchase any more books for my library. I always like to collect anything new on the lunar mansions. In the 1990s I belonged to an on-going discussion group on "Vedic" astrology where James Kelleher was a participant.

Here is something for you to look at in terms of planets transiting the lunar mansions, Stefan. A headline today in the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper: "Opera cancels concert over harassment accusations" against opera superstar Placido Domingo. This would be interesting to look at for Domingo and also the "Me Too" movement. New accusations against the rich and famous are appearing almost daily. From Wiki:
The Me Too movement (or MeToo movement), with a large variety of local and international alternative names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.[1][2][3] The movement began to spread virally in October 2017 as a hashtag on social media in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.


Great idea Therese..

Yes Transit Neptune in "Purva Bhadrapada" lunar mansion is again somewhat active in sexual scandal.

It is transiting opposition to Domingo's radix Ascendant, (and squaring his MC indirectly).

(6’40-19’59 Aquarius) Sidereal Zodiac.

Shatabisha lunar mansion and the sacrifice of child.

One of the myths of shatabisha is about king harishandra.
Varuna Tells King Harischandra to Sacrifice his Son
“Harischandra had a hundred wives but none of them could give him a son. So he went to the Ganges River and prayed to Varuna. After some time, Varuna appeared and said that Harishchandra would have a son, but in return, he must sacrifice the son as a ritual offering to Varuna.
This myth learned from Kelleher, and is quite often lived out in real life.
This is shown in some of his lectures, and I seen it in several cases similar themes of having to sacrifice something dear, often related to children.

I actually have a friend who at a young age had to leave her child away for adoption. `She was running the period of jupiter in Shatabisha.

"The kidnapping of his first son was a dark time,"
Charles lindberg actually have three planets in shatabisha in the 5th house in the sidereal zodiac.

I watched tonight a documentary of the famous author Astrid Lindgren who had a trauma of having at young age to leave her son to an orphan.
Looking up her date of birth show a shatabisha moon if born before noon.

More research needed of course....

In due time, she gave birth to her son, Lars, in Copenhagen and left him in the care of a foster family.


Bahamas devasted destruction by the chategory 5 Hurricane being stationary over the island for two days.

Bahama's national chart

Bahamas is currenty in Ketu period for 6 years.
Ketu (south node) is placed in nakshatra /lunar mansion
Ardra is related to storms as it's deity is Rudra lord of storms.
6°40' to 20° 00' Gemini The sixth nakshatra is named Ardra. It resides ... in Ardra. The presiding deity is Rudra, the lord of the storm and the god of destruction.

Note: Ketu is eclipsed sensitised due to the July eclipse on 15 gemini sidereal. Conjunct ketu.

Ketu is placed in 4th house of the Bahama's chart. 4th house is Land.
Pointing to some loss to the land end environment of Bahama's in ketu period.