Significators? Complex scenario with many people involved

Hi everyone,
I was asked a question which involves people with more than one kind of relationship to each other.
My first thought was to treat this a 5th hse question? But after some consideration I started thinking that maybe I should use the 7th hse as starting point! So now I'm wondering which way to approach this. Any suggestions?

The scenario, as I understand it, is complex. The question was asked about a young child and who she will live with after the proposed separation.

The lady who asked has been full time child minder from early months and is very attached to the child.

But this turns out to be a complex scenario as the Father of the child is also her "boyfriend" and her brother in law. She is the child's Aunt.

The boyfriend and "wife" still share their family home but she has proposed that she leave, taking the child to be cared for by her own mother some distance away which will make access difficult for the father.

The question is will the mother leave the home and does the child's father and/or my Quesitor keep care of the child or will it be the Grandmother?

As a 5th hse question these are my significators
Quesitor (L 1 Venus) + Moon
Child L5 Jupiter
Child's Mother L2 Mars
Childs Father L8 Venus (So not given to Quesitor)
Childs Grandmother L11 Mercury

Before I go any further with the chart I just wonder if anyone would start with the 7th hse - the boyfriend?
These would then be the significators
Quesitor Moon
Boyfriend L7 Mars
Boyfriends child L11 Mercury
Childs mother L8 Venus
Mother's mother L5 Jupiter

Interesting that all the same planets are used just in a different order :)

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever."
Chinese proverb

If the lady who asked the question has been the principal guardian of the child I would hazard a guess as to look on the child as her 5th. The question basically whittles down to who will the child live with. Frawley says if you have a close relationship with your partners child to look on them as your child. Only if you have had no close relationship with the partners child then you would use the turned 5th from the 7th. But this is not the case here. I have only been studying Horary for a couple of years so I am not well learned yet. I do know however if the person who asks the question can claim some sort of ownership to the subject of the query then they are entitled to use the radical house.

I would take the querent as Lord 1, the child as Lord 5, the boyfriend as Lord 7, the querent and her sisters mother as Lord 10, presumimg I have correctly worked out the relationship of everyone involved here, and the querents sister as Lord 3. Studying the receptions between all members will reveal a lot too. But I would stick with the radical houses.

hi Kakabel, you said -The scenario, as I understand it, is complex. The question was asked about a young child and who she will live with after the proposed separation.

The lady who asked has been full time child minder from early months and is very attached to the child.

But this turns out to be a complex scenario as the Father of the child is also her "boyfriend" and her brother in law. She is the child's Aunt.

The boyfriend and "wife" still share their family home but she has proposed that she leave, taking the child to be cared for by her own mother some distance away which will make access difficult for the father.

The question is will the mother leave the home and does the child's father and/or my Quesitor keep care of the child or will it be the Grandmother?

As a 5th hse question these are my significators
Quesitor (L 1 Venus) + Moon
Child L5 Jupiter
Child's Mother L2 Mars
Childs Father L8 Venus (So not given to Quesitor)
Childs Grandmother L11 Mercury

Before I go any further with the chart I just wonder if anyone would start with the 7th hse - the boyfriend?
These would then be the significators
Quesitor Moon
Boyfriend L7 Mars
Boyfriends child L11 Mercury
Childs mother L8 Venus
Mother's mother L5 Jupiter

As I understand the situation, the Querant lives in the same house as her sister who is the mother of the child. The child's father also lives there. Am I right about that? Who has proposed that who leaves. Is the Aunt proposing that she herself leaves or is the Aunt proposing that her sister the mother of the child leaves? Or is it the mother who is proposing that her sister leaves.
If both the mother and the sister your querant live in the same house does the real mother not look after the child also?
