The AC is quite fast in Taurus. Thomas Ring, outstanding German astrologer, in "Genius und D?mon", gives an AC GEM at 4 degrees.
Anybody who has studied the life of that king in detail would definitely think that a TAU AC is most unlikely, a GEM DC fits perfectly.
Non coerceri maximo, contineri minimo divinum est.

Ascendant 4 Gemini gives a birthtime 11h55m.

The official birthtime is 11h30m!

The rectified horoscope is checked with all important events by progressive aspects on date, which I have not mentioned yet.

So my conclusion Friedrich II has a Taurus Ascendant.

Well, meanwhile (after about 30 years) I've definitely stopped believing in rectification. Far too many negative results...

- Have a look at Sanssouci - there's no sign of Taurus-
influence at all.
His physiognomy: surely not TAU, not the slightest trace. Definitely GEM.
F.'s strategies in times of war: far from being TAU-like.
F. was the incarnation of irony and sarcasm. Have you ever met a
TAU-AC who is able to demonstrate qualities like these ?
By the way: other official records just say: "Noon" .
Non coerceri maximo, contineri minimo divinum est.

Changes of progressive Ascendant:

17-Sep-1717 000?,00'00 Gemini Asc Nw

4-Jun-1744 000?,00'00 Cancer Asc Nw

9-Jan-1783 000?,00'00 Leo Asc Nw

Marriage with women (against his will); he was homosexual:

12-Jun-1733 012?,12'31 Aquarius MC 0 Mars

- What about referring to the observations mentioned above?
- Most people reading this willl not know any events corresponding with the dates you have given.
- As to sexual orientation: Friedrich suffered from an injury of his "private parts", which made any sexual intercourse whatever impossible.
Non coerceri maximo, contineri minimo divinum est.

I have a list with all progressive aspects in dutch language.

The horoscope is rectified according the Gieles minus 1 system.

I send you the list and chart on request: email andries.hendrik@live.nl.

I have rectified hundreds of horoscopes.

See my website www.andrieshc.jouwweb.nl for the Hitler horoscope.

I published my book: Gecorrigeerde horoscopen Adolf Hitler en het Derde Duitse Rijk 1933, which is a part of the book collection of the Deutsche National Bibliothek, Leipzig.

I published another book: Correctie the Marc H. Penfield's the USA horoscope.

Publisher: Kirjaboek.nl, Hoogwoud, the Netherlands.

Lunlino: It will be great if you can explain here the main principles for this "mystery" Gieles system. For years I and other astrologers, asked Cats to explain us in simple English this system, but in vain.
As for Frederick the Great, I rectified his chart to 11.38.56 LMT Asc 27Tau33', using the systems of Alexander Marr. This is not the place for a full analysis of all the 35 events I used. Anyone who is interested in Marr's techniques can read a full explanation with examples in Juan Estadella "Predictive Astrology", free download: www.juanestadella.com