A new development of Persian Arabic astrology

Chapter Eleven: On Conjunctions5
[1] Many people of this art have another method in general judgment. It is by
means of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The Persians are the wisest of
them in their conviction, and the most devoted to bringing together happiness
and misfortune through it, according to their claim, from the conjunctions of
these two planets. They set in motion each one of Jupiter and Saturn with their
mean motion and they lay down the following scheme- the two <Qlanets> make
twelve conjunctions in each triplicity and sometimes thirteen conjunctions; what
is between two conjunctions is roughly twenty years. They fix chronology by it
from the conjunction occurring at the beginning of a triplicity to the conjunction
occurring at the beginning of another triplicity.
[2] If this method were correct for us, we could spare much trouble in worrying
about the equations of the planets and their correction. When there is
dependence on the corrected positions of the two <planets>, the number of the
conjunctions of the two <planets> in the triplicities could not be grasped, neither
could the days and years which are between the conjunctions nor the ascendant
of the time of the conjunction of the two planets be obtained, because of the slowness
of their motion and because of the difficulty of inquiring into their conditions
which are dependent on precise observation.
[3] Thus they made the ascendant of the year in which the conjunction
occurs the ascendant of the conjunction, and they judged what things are caused
by the conjunction
5This topic is a new development of Persian-Arabic astrology.
[4] If a conjunction in mean motion happens to occur, we see, at the time of
the conjunction, which <of> has mastery over its (i.e., the conjunction's)
lord, which is nearer to the highest point of the orb of its epicycle. Whichever is
ruling in its place at the time of their conjunction is the ruler of this conjunction.
If it is Saturn, it indicates distress, anxiety, want of rain, many griefs, sadness,
and helplessness in businesses. If it is Jupiter, it indicates fertility, joy, peace,
and happiness.
[5] Then we look at the ascendant of the conjunction, i.e., the ascendant
of the year, which of the planets in it is greatest in power and most abundant
in witness, and we judge this conjunction by general knowledge of the nature of
this planet. If it is Saturn, we judge, according to what we have said, helplessness,
anxiety, difficulty in business, many griefs, and the conditions belonging
to Saturn. If it is Jupiter, peace, fertility, many joys, and easiness of things of
life. If it is Mars, injustice, oppression, robbery, bloodshed, invasion, and fire.
If it is Venus, power in the matter of women and eunuchs, many amusements,
wealth, marriage, and enjoyment. If it is Mercury, power in the matter of scribes,
traders, and masters of arts, slaves, and female slaves. It it is the Sun, power in
the matter of authority and nobles
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-from this ascendant, just as judgments are made concerning the other things that
happen from the ascendants of the beginnings of these <h>k"'
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::and kings, and their relatives and those who are boast,ing of them. If it is the
Moon, power in the matters of subjects, servants, health and soundness and
power of body, and the coming of news from <all> directions.
[6] If two planets are mixed we judge according to their mixture.
<Examples> The mixture of the Sun and Jupiter: they indicate kings who are
fair, righteous, and kind to servants and subjects. The mixture of the Sun and
Mars: they indicate the oppression of kings, their lack of fairness and <lack> of
mercy to their subjects, and weakness in their rulership. The mixture of Venus
and Mars: they indicate immorality and adultery. The mixture of Mars and
Mercury: they indicate slanders, tricks, and lies. The mixture of Jupiter and one
of the malefics: they indicate evil hearts in men of piety and justice and in those
who are believed to have righteousness. The mixture of Venus and the Moon:
they indicate many births and much good news. The mixture of the Moon and
Mercury: they indicate eloquence, quarrels, sharpness of thought, and excellence
of ideas and mind. The mixture of Venus and Mercury: they indicate the saying
of mottos, the study of songs and melody, and the plucking of strings. In general
when Mercury mixes with one of the planets, it makes its indication stronger and
it (Mercury) helps in its (the planet's) effectiveness and it (Mercury) participates
in whatever influence it (the planet) causes.
[7] In this the ascendant is considered concerning the conditions of the social
class of men just as we mentioned before in the second chapter of this book. In
that way there is no difference between the two, except that the judgment in this
<chapter> is more general in its indications and longer in its period while the
indications in that <chapter> is more specific and shorter in its period.
[8] We carefully note the ascendant of the conjunction and the sign of the
conjunction - each year has one sign. Then the ascendant and the sign of
the conjunction are the two indicators of the first year. The second place from
the ascendant and the second sign from the sign of the conjunction are the two
indicators of the second year. <For> in this manner and in
this order. Thereafter we examine, in each year, the two signs of the intiha's and
the lords of the two <signs>, and what is in association with the two concerning
good fortune and misfortune.
-Then we judge for the year in accordance with this and in accordance with
what is necessary because of the ascendant of the year and the lord of the year
[9] Let it be known that, in judging this, when some of the indicators
are mixed with others and the benefics mix with the malefics, then it requires
intelligent thought, clear insight, and good talent in order to distinguish the
powerful from the weak. Then one should judge according to the power of the
most predominant of them, when the unhappy one is received by the happy one,
the strong one by the weak one, the fortunate one by the unfortunate one, one
with witnesses by one without. When the indications of the happy one or the
unhappy one are more and the indications of the opposite are less, then the
judgment of the master and the ruler among them is easy and simple.
[10] When we find in the figure of the ascendant of the conjunction a planet
which has the most essential and accidental powers, and with which most of other
planets are friendly and mixing with it by aspect or application - it,s position is
strongest in the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, and the ascendant, and weakest
in the third, twelfth, and sixth <places> - then we judge the appearance of
the ruling conqeror in this conjunction from the nature of the planet. Then if it
(the conjunction) is in <one> the cardines or the succedents, he is from the
family of a dynasty and a settled religion. If it is in the third or ninth or twelfth
or sixth, there is a building of that dynasty or religion. If it is Saturn, he is the
head of a tribe (saikh) with great profundity and precise insight from a family
of old houses. If it is Jupiter, he is from a family of piety and righteousness or
adorned with these ornaments. If it is
-Then we judge for the year in accordance with this and in accordance with
what is necessary because of the ascendant of the year and the lord of the year
[9] Let it be known that, in judging this, when some of the indicators
are mixed with others and the benefics mix with the malefics, then it requires
intelligent thought, clear insight, and good talent in order to distinguish the
powerful from the weak. Then one should judge according to the power of the
most predominant of them, when the unhappy one is received by the happy one,
the strong one by the weak one, the fortunate one by the unfortunate one, one
with witnesses by one without. When the indications of the happy one or the
unhappy one are more and the indications of the opposite are less, then the
judgment of the master and the ruler among them is easy and simple.
[10] When we find in the figure of the ascendant of the conjunction a planet
which has the most essential and accidental powers, and with which most of other
planets are friendly and mixing with it by aspect or application - it,s position is
strongest in the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, and the ascendant, and weakest
in the third, twelfth, and sixth <places> - then we judge the appearance of
the ruling conqeror in this conjunction from the nature of the planet. Then if it
(the conjunction) is in <one> the cardines or the succedents, he is from the
family of a dynasty and a settled religion. If it is in the third or ninth or twelfth
or sixth, there is a building of that dynasty or religion. If it is Saturn, he is the
head of a tribe (saikh) with great profundity and precise insight from a family
of old houses. If it is Jupiter, he is from a family of piety and righteousness or
adorned with these ornaments. If it is
-Then we judge for the year in accordance with this and in accordance with
what is necessary because of the ascendant of the year and the lord of the year
[9] Let it be known that, in judging this, when some of the indicators
are mixed with others and the benefics mix with the malefics, then it requires
intelligent thought, clear insight, and good talent in order to distinguish the
powerful from the weak. Then one should judge according to the power of the
most predominant of them, when the unhappy one is received by the happy one,
the strong one by the weak one, the fortunate one by the unfortunate one, one
with witnesses by one without. When the indications of the happy one or the
unhappy one are more and the indications of the opposite are less, then the
judgment of the master and the ruler among them is easy and simple.
[10] When we find in the figure of the ascendant of the conjunction a planet
which has the most essential and accidental powers, and with which most of other
planets are friendly and mixing with it by aspect or application - it,s position is
strongest in the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, and the ascendant, and weakest
in the third, twelfth, and sixth <places> - then we judge the appearance of
the ruling conqeror in this conjunction from the nature of the planet. Then if it
(the conjunction) is in <one> the cardines or the succedents, he is from the
family of a dynasty and a settled religion. If it is in the third or ninth or twelfth
or sixth, there is a building of that dynasty or religion. If it is Saturn, he is the
head of a tribe (saikh) with great profundity and precise insight from a family
of old houses. If it is Jupiter, he is from a family of piety and righteousness or
adorned with these ornaments. If it is
-Mars, he is wrong, unjust, a killer, and a bloodshedder. Ifit is Venus, he is pious,
a worshipper, and decent. If it is Mercury, he is eloquent, clear in language, a
prophet, a possessor of miracles and wonders. If it is the Sun, he is an authority
and powerful. If it is the Moon, he is a man who annihilates men.
[11] The time for this is <measured> what is between the ascendant and
the place of the conjunction or what is between the ascendant and the place of
the <ruling> planet, on the condition that each sign is one year and each degree
is according to its particularity. The ascendant of the year in which are seen the
matter of this ruler and his power, and the sign of the intiba' from the ascendant
of the conjunction of the two (i.e., Saturn and Jupiter) is like the starting point
and the birth of this matter.
[12] These are the conjunctions of these two planets in their mean motion
in the watery triplicities and up to the end of the four triplicities