Analyse chart of King Henry II of France


I would like to analyse (with software) the chart of King Henry II of France (31 March 1519) but the exact birth time is unclear. The article below from Deborah Houlding would be a good start, but no birth time seems to be mentioned ? The inscription on the original chart is unclear and the rectified birth chart from Gauricius only mentions "a two hour difference". But difference from what ?

Hi jolatoable,

If you look further on in the PDF, you'll see Luca Gaurico's chart which has Aries rising as opposed to Gadbury's & et. al. Gemini rising charts for Henry II.

GR wrote:Hi jolatoable,

If you look further on in the PDF, you'll see Luca Gaurico's chart which has Aries rising as opposed to Gadbury's & et. al. Gemini rising charts for Henry II.
Hi Gabe;

Thanks but I would like to put the exact data in my software and do some analysis. Therefore I need date+time. The original inscription on page 91 is this:

March 1519 D.H.M. ? 31 10 28 Horol.
30 17 P.M.

Apart from March 31 1519 I can't figure out what this means.

On the internet I found this;: ... _of_France

which is far off from what is in Deborah's article ..


Hi Marc,

the 30 17 P.M. part is 17 hours from noon on the 30th, so about 5AM on the 31st. The Astrodatabank page is off by an hour. Keep in mind that you won't match it up exactly, they didn't have a JPL ephemeris and computers in those days. Also, don't forget it's a Julian calender date!


Thanks; Tried but the closest I get to the ascendant is 7:50 AM but then Mars is 7 Cancer and the Moon is nowhere near the 12th house. I've given up for the moment. I thought this would be an easy case .. :)