You haven't missed anything. Unfortunately, the much heralded publication never appeared. This is a rather familiar experience for those of us acquainted with Project Hindsight over the years. Its not at all clear the source book will ever materialize now. The Schmidt's seem more focused on selling recordings of his workshops or old track translations.

Project Hindsight has been in virtual suspended animation for some years. Since the release of the Antiochus translation (Definitions and Foundations) as part of TARES in 2009 all has been quiet.


It was implied the next translation would follow a few months later but nothing has appeared in the last 3 years.

Robert Schmidt has also stopped participating on the ACT forum where he is in theory the hellenistic astrology moderator.

I do think its well over due that that Robert Schmidt offered some kind of public explanation what is going on and why TARES has apparently run into the ground.

As thou conversest with the heavens, so instruct and inform thy minde according to the image of Divinity William Lilly

Mark wrote:You haven't missed anything. Unfortunately, the much heralded publication never appeared. This is a rather familiar experience for those of us acquainted with Project Hindsight over the years.
But, in all fairness . . . This is a more extreme example of a common-enough tendency in the world of traditional astrology: Grand schemes and announcements are made and then things just fade away with a whimper. Usually it involves on-line sites and interest groups, translation projects, and what have you. Fanfare and then fade-away. It's as if the hopes and desires can't match up to the reality of limited demand ? and of commitment.

Kirk wrote:
But, in all fairness . . .
In regards translations names in traditional astrology that come to mind are James Holden who continues to put out impressive translations in his 80's. Then there is Ben Dykes who offers one invaluable translation after another. He has a master plan of translations he wants to do over several years which he has stuck very meticulously to. So lets not generalise.

Anyway, its good to see you again on Skyscript Kirk. Its been a long time. The Loki of the forum has returned. :wink:

As thou conversest with the heavens, so instruct and inform thy minde according to the image of Divinity William Lilly

Ah, gosh . . . :oops:

What I was referring to usually has an Internet focus. There are plenty of committed individuals and folks who are in more 'real' touch with one another, people who have built a more committed and personally inter-involved foundation. The Internet [usually] can't provide that. As I see it, the Hindsight case is one of big plans spread through the Internet, apparently without realistic abilities and schedule to match.

Kirk wrote:Ah, gosh . . . :oops:

What I was referring to usually has an Internet focus. There are plenty of committed individuals and folks who are in more 'real' touch with one another, people who have built a more committed and personally inter-involved foundation. The Internet [usually] can't provide that. As I see it, the Hindsight case is one of big plans spread through the Internet, apparently without realistic abilities and schedule to match.
Actually it is just the opposite. They have been a grass-roots organization with support mainly from the people in and around the area of Pittsburgh, PA and western Maryland. At least this is what happened to them when Rob Hand left the project. I think you're accurate though that they have spread themselves too thin and Schmidt's promise of releasing new translations every couple of months was not going to happen.

One needs to keep in mind that Robert Schmidt has not had his entire focus on astrology. He's spent many years lecturing to the public on Platonic Metaphysics and Mathematics. I've attended lectures he's made that have nothing to do with astrology. If it wasn't for Ellen Black (his wife), he probably would never have looked into the subject. The Fourtean Foundation and many people who have no connection to astrology whatsoever have consulted him in various areas not related to astrology because people "in the know" understand that he is one of the great intellects of our time having been a national merit scholar at age 16 and having turned down a full scholarship to MIT. It's just that in our myopic view through the astrological community, we tend to view him as an astrologer.

As far as grandiose announcements, I've seen plenty of that generally from all kinds of astrologers.
Curtis Manwaring
Zoidiasoft Technologies, LLC