Significator for power-plant

I am doing a horary for myself, about Belgian power-plants - a nuclear one in fact, because I live nearby one, and I am wondering whether I should use the 2nd house (resources for the people), or rather go straight away for Mars?
In a former (modern astrological) life, I wouldn't have hesitated about using Pluto as the significator, but that 's the past. I wondered about the Sun being appropriate, because for all scientists know, it would run on some kind of nuclear reaction (fusion instead of fission, if I remember rightly). But on second musings, Sun representing Life-Force and nuclear energy forming rather a hazard for life, I 'd opt for untempered dry and hot malefic Mars...

What do listmembers think about it?


what a good question!!!!
i am thinking Mars because

Modernly speaking Pluto rules nuclear energy - traditional ruler is Mars

Buildings are ruled by Mars as well - that is according to Rex E. Bills

2 cents on a question

Re: Significator for power-plant

hervaro wrote:But on second musings, Sun representing Life-Force and nuclear energy forming rather a hazard for life, I 'd opt for untempered dry and hot malefic Mars...
I have to agree here- the Sun provides us with harmless and free energy that creates life on the Earth! It does seem paradoxical to use it as the ruler of a nuclear power plant. of course, this is just my opinion. But, Mars is power and I think it makes a perfectly good choice regardless of the type of power plant you are asking about.

Also, if this is a question about the quality of life in your area and/or about the safety of the inhabitants (you and your neighbours), then I'd advise you to examine the 4th house very thoroughly as well and see if it is attacked by a malefic or otherwise described as a dangerous place to live. Even the 3rd.



Hi Felipe,

you 've got a good point there:
In my view energy is energy -- it is not good or bad
Sun bathe for too long and we know what will happen!
Yes we do: our skin gets all nice and crispy, like potatoe-chips fresh from the packaging! And after having been exposed to air for some time, the crispiness disappears as well as the good taste, lol.

Have no time yet but I 'll post the horary soon, with my interpretation (my understanding) of its inhalt.


I would definitely use Mars - being the trad ruler of Scorpio - 8th. So in some ways does tie in with your modern roots and Pluto.

Other areas of the chart would add to your interpretation, dependind on your question

mooncazimi wrote:Good point.
Thanks, but I think there is more to say about. i mean, there are lots of nuclear plants in the world, and we certainly agree, that they are in some way roled by Pluto.
In an horary chart it's the ruler of the 2nd who describes the state of those devil cooking places :-sk .
So one power plant might be in good conditions and will never have any problem. It's 2nd house description will be very diffent of a defectious one, as, say, Fukushima. The well working plant will be described by a dignified Mars (power) or Saturn (difficult or dangerous ressources), or perhaps Mercury (transfer od energy), or the Sun (energy) while the corrupt plant (or a one who will deserve some surprise in the future) will show no dignification, difficult aspects or peregrine planets (malefics) on the angles.