8,8 Richter East of Honshu Rocks Japan

8,8 Richter East of Honshu Rocks Japan

A gigantic earthquake has occured East of the coast of Honshu causing tsunami-waves reported to be over 4 meters tall. With reference to the follwing details provided by the USGS:

Geographic coordinates: 38.322N, 142.369E
Magnitude: 8.8 M Depth: 24 km
Universal Time (UTC): 11 Mar 2011 05:46:23
Time near the Epicenter: 11 Mar 2011 14:46:23
The earthquake occurs only 2 days ahead of Uranus ingress to Aries. Obiously, we will be looking more at the charts around the event, but look at the ascendant at 17LE48 and how close this is to key points in the major earthquakes we had in 2010. The Moon was 18LE25 when an 8,8R earthquake hit Chile on Feb. 27. 2010 (Skyscript). This is one of the degrees I suggested we could be following. The two powerful afterquakes after the Chilean earthquake on Feb. 27.2010 that occurred on March 5. 2010 at 09.19 GMT and 11.47 GMT, and that were predicted, had the Moon from 17SC47-19SC08.

The 21-Dec-2010 lunar Eclipse at 29 deg Gemini was conjunct Fixed star Menkalinan
(Ruin, disgrace, violent death, esp. through pleasure-seeking; self-confidence, honours, fond of country life. Danger of earthquakes if associated with solar eclipse)
was astrologically tightly connected with the recent Christchurch NZ earthquake (where the eclipsed moon was rising).
Casting this lunar eclipse chart for today's Japanease earthquake epicenter we find the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction smack on the Mc, with the 4-Jan-2011 solar eclipse degree (13+ Cap) on the Desc.
The Mar-5-2011 new Moon chart for the epicenter has Mars in Pisces tightly conjunct the Asc. Transit Mars also triggered the New Moon chart as it came within a degree of the New Moon point.
Last edited by AquaStella on Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

It's worth going through the thread Earthquakes - General reports, because I notice I posted charts on two earthquake that hit China on April 14. 2010. The first one measured 6,9R and occured at 07.49 local time (23.49 GMT), the second one measuring 5,8R at 09.25 local time (01.25 GMT) - my point being that the Moon here moved from 17AR47-18AR37. The importance of the placement of the Moon in the Chile Earthquake at 18LE38 being that the exaltation degree of the Sun is cast from Leo to Aries.

Back to the chart for the 8,8R earthquake that hit Japan today, the Moon in the first minutes of Gemini in the 10th house is significant because it indicates something shifting from one place to another. The Moon just entered the sign she will be located in when Uranus makes his Ingress to Aries on March 12.

Other important threads at Skyscript on this matter:
Haiti Earthquake of Jan.12. 2010
8,8R Earthquake hits coast of Chile
Volcano creates No-fly zone in Europe
Earthquakes - General reports


Sun Ruler conjunct Mar/Ura

Sun M/pt to Mar/Ura

Also Ura about to enter Aries

In brief Sun is carrying the volatile martian energy of its recent conjunct to Mars onto the Ura also about to burst into energy via its ingress into Aries. Moon then sextile to Ura acts as trigger to this energy dynamic released onto Uranus.

Degree Symbols

Leo ASC - A Chemistry Experiment

Various unknown energies stirred up about to release - Anything can happen.

Sun is at a degree symbolising 'sudden growth spurts'

Mars energy symbolised by 17Pis 'An Ancient Sword'..'the power of the Will commemorated through history'
Mad Daz's Place, quiet but never boring

Hi I notice that if you look at astrological latitude Four planets are tightly clustered around 0 Degrees latitude (celestial latitude). I have posted before that I believe astrological latitude may give clues to unusually large earthquakes. Ie setting aside other considerations in "earthquake conditions" If more than two planets are involved in "latitude" crossings" ie crossing each other North or South via latitude it seems to amplify the effect, if one is shown by other factors. It also seems to be part of a pattern of "linkage" in the aspect picture??? The planets concerned here are Mercury,Venus,Uranus and Neptune. To emphasise this even further in the current chart Mars and Jupiter are also tightly bunched by latitude at 1 degree south! So the majority of the planets are all bundled together by latiude as well as in the current imbalanced "bundled" ecliptic aspect picture.
mike c

ps to emphasise I am not talking about declination, but latitude.

I think very interesting the square Neptune-Moon both event chart than event/ingress chart. The ancients called Neptune (god) Ennosigaeus or Shaker of the Earth and Moon could be cause of tzunami for his link with water.

And, surely, the stellium in XII.
I used as hour, 6:46am


Thank you Anghelos Theon. :'

Here is your Neptune in the chart for Uranus' ingress to Aries, cast for the epicenter of the current earthquake:
When you see the chart, just recall I am suggesting that the Moon's entry into Gemini has something to do with setting off the action. Oh - and Uranus casts an inconjunct to the IC.

Nice work - thank you!

Oh, very well! Thanks! :)

The Moon, now, square Mars - according Bonatti cause of earthquakes and fires - and conj with Aldebaran in XII, Robson considers it "Favorable for business, honor and credit, especially if in the 1st or 10th house, but danger of calamity" when joined to Moon.

In my opinion, Uranus and Mercury indicates the communication of Japan (there in XI) i read after first shake telephon communication interrupted except Internet, tipycal sphere of Uranus. Isnt?

I'm afraid, in addition, for Dragon' Tail in ASC in relation with Neptune opp to POF - so, devastation.of Economy Field of Japan.

In last, what do you think about Pluto?
In nuclear sense.
There's an allarm about a possible danger of explosion.
In this chart (Uranus's ingress) it's a Lord of VI square Mercury, Lord of I and angular.
In event chart it's angular and Lord of VIII, square to ASC.
In addition in solar ingress chart (Cap) it's in XII conj to Sun and Mercury and opp to Moon and Dragon' Tail.

Im talkative, sorry. :-T


if you look at the graphic here

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2 ... rning.html

you may note that the epicenter lines up rather closely to the Mars line on the above cartograph for the Dec. lunar eclipse.

Also consider some of the Brady parans (translations are brady book "stars and Planets" Published 2008 Wessex Astrologer) for 11 March Tokyo from astro.com special charts section.

I'm only including the obvious, because its a long list for today:

Moon Culminating as Alphard is rising - A period when the home or homeland is at risk.

Moon with Markab - a time with the nobleness of volunteers is honored.

moon setting as Zosma culminates - Concern for victims of crime or natural disaster.

Pluto rising with Acueleus - People told that the end justifies the means.

Pluto with Vindematrix - A cyclone either literally or metaphorically
(though I think a Water Catastrophe is a better description)

Pluto with Betelgeuse - Benefits or breakthrough achieved in the wake of disaster.

Sun rising with Ras Alhague - A popular story is released. in this case possibly riveting news story would be a better description?

Sun with Rigel - the government decides to reform a situation.

Saturn with Vindematrix - Social or Political Order is challenged.

Venus with Sadalsuud - Public works, building of new structure for the good of the community.

mean node with Betelguese - time of military action. (Japan has called for military assistance, the US is sending hospital ship)

Saturn with Spica - a time when measured action is needed.

One of my favorites because it soooo describes the situation

Pluto with Alhena - A shift of foundations, People take a different path of action.

Pluto with Denebola - a time of People power, the authority loses control.


I would like to direct your attention to a collection of observations relating to this and other earthquakes, which I have gathered at Astronor. I don't mind admitting that I am very excited. In my opinion there are a number of significant relationships between major earthquakes and that can be demonstrated.

You have to take a look at the chart for the lunar eclipse that occured on Dec 21. 2010. Less than 12 hours after this eclipse there was a 7,9 Richter earthquake South East of Japan. A chart cast for the epicenter of this earthquake puts Uranus on the Midheaven of the chart to the VERY MINUTE OF ARC!
Now there is a close allignment between Jupiter and Uranus in that eclipse chart. Recalculate the chart for the coordinates of the 8,8 Richter Earthquake just East off Honshu and have look at it again:
It's a perfect match!