moon's aspects in horary chart

dear all,

i have heard that it is important after casting a horary chart to look at all the aspects the moon makes before leaving its sign to describe the way the situation surrounding the question will unfold. is this generally practiced? what do you guys do?

after doing some checking on this horary chart i'm currently working on -

i found that the moon will make 3 more aspects before leaving the sign of libra (that are not in the chart).

?moon square saturn
?moon trine mars
?moon sextile pluto

all of which will perfect. how does one go about interpreting this? i see with the moon square saturn that there may be some difficult times, even though the chart holds a positive answer for the querent. do i maybe want to look for the conditions evident when each of those aspects is partile - does that question make sense? like, do i perhaps want to check where the moon & saturn are at the time THAT particular aspect perfects to give the querent some background on the nature of what might happen?

thanks guys!


oh, im sorry! i should have posted the question. the question was from a woman who wanted to know if she would be reuinted with an old flame or not.

i see some good things in the chart, like the translation of light (which i have finally gotten a handle on) by the moon between the 2 significators - mercury for her and jupiter for him. mercury and jupiter are applying by opposition to each other, which is not good, but the moon in this case separates from an opposition to mercury and applies by conjunction to jupiter rx (mutual application, that's good). to top it off, mercury rules the cusp of the 5th house and is posited in the 11th, and jupiter rules the cusp of the 11th house and is posited in the 5th.

but anyway, my question was really about those aspects that the moon makes & perfects before leaving the sign it is in in the horary chart. how do you look at those? anyone consider them?




Just looking at your questions, I know you are asking about the Moon, but if you have the main significators applying to opposition then this would indicate a non-reconcilable situation - they may meet up again but realise that there is no going back.

However, regarding your Moon aspects, squares often show things happening but with difficulty and delay, also Saturn generally shows blockages and difficulties, so not good on both counts. Also, it is important to consider what house(s) Saturn rules as this can show where the potential difficulties may come from.

Trine to Mars may be not so bad as trines do tend to bring things to pass in a more fluid way. Mars isn't always a malefic - it would depend on how strong/weak he is in the chart. Also, again you would have to look at the house(s) he rules.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the Pluto, unless it were within a degree or two of one of the significators, or right on a house cusp, I would tend to disregard it.

Hope this helps.