Do/did you notice your Pluto transits?

Total votes: 27 (69%)
Total votes: 12 (31%)
Total votes: 39

Poll: do/did you notice your Pluto transits?

Now Pluto has popped op in some discussions, I wonder whether people over here have noticed their Pluto transits. I believe I have noticed them and usually as strong feelings of stress. When I traced Pluto transits to periods before I knew astrology, I believe I could see Pluto transits effects too. What I'm curious about is whether others notice(d) their Pluto transits too. Maybe traditional astrologers never noticed anything of Pluto, or did notice dispite of not using Pluto. If very few people noticed Pluto I could ask myself whether I have been projecting things a bit too much.

As my intention is not to judge people's ideas, I'll leave it with just this post and won't comment any further. There's no right or wrong answer. Although there can be some differentiations, for claritiy I only used a 'yes' and 'no' option, you can fill in the poll and add your motivation if you like to.

Thanks in advance.

Pluto transits

Pluto was opposite my sun and venus. Here are some ways it has affected me.

First transit - tenant of eight years died
2nd transit - near death experience
3rd transit - plumbing problems

Also, I have been cleaning and throwing away stuff like crazy

I'm a little concerned in anticipation of Pluto transiting my 12H and conjuncting Mars. I do not have connection between the two in my natal chart, but the symbolism does not strike me as very positive. Anyone wants to reassure me that it will not manifest as some kind of violent or accident causingl energy?

The lack of influence of Pluto transits is what finally sent me from modern to traditional astrology. I was studying with a well known modern astrologer and an assignment was to determine the important events in our lives that occurred during Pluto transits. At that point in my life Pluto had moved at or past its square to its natal position and had contacted by aspect virtually every planet in my chart. I think there was one event, when I was about 8 years old and I had no input at all, that occurred coincident with a Pluto transit. The rest of the transits to natal planets and angles were empty of significance. Since that time, Pluto continues to be a cipher in my life.

Nothing here either... I'm having some serious things going on and yet poor Pluto is being nowhere near of anything significant. Yet, when it had a chance to do something in the past, nothing happened. Maybe I am immune to it.

Transiting Pluto is opposing my Moon by one degree. My moon is in the ninth house natally (travels) .. and I recently got back from a stressful attempt to move far away.
?Famous are those persons in whose Nativities the Moon receives the light of many Planets.?

Well, it's not only Pluto - but his associates as well(Neptune, Uranus) which haven't shown anything of particular meaning in my life when transiting important points in natal chart.
For quite some time now, I've been having Uranus transiting my natal Sun by oppositon - nothing spectacular has happened, not even minor disturbances in all the areas of life Uranus is supposed to "revolutionize and electrify." And no,neither I nor my father have gone crazy either :lol:
The same goes for "mighty" Pluto when he was transiting my natal Sun by square few years ago. My father is still alive and well, and I haven't murdered anyone nor have I had any experiences of 'power abuse/psychological warfare/parts of my life dying away/any kind of 'rebirth' and 'transformation'...I could go on and on with their supposed significations, I still remember them quite well.
Like with Tom, that was one of the main reasons I abandoned modern astrology's approach.
In fact, too much relevance has been given to transits in modern books - when one switches to traditional astrology, there's a wealth of predictive techniques which can and do account for any important event in life. Transits have their proper place there too, but they are just a part of a well integrated and well ordered system of prediction.


Tom wrote:I was studying with a well known modern astrologer and an assignment was to determine the important events in our lives that occurred during Pluto transits. (...) The rest of the transits to natal planets and angles were empty of significance.
How did that astrologer react to this major absence of significant effects of your Pluto transits?

Eddy, don't you know about the built-in failsafe? Those of us who don't react to outer planet transits have souls that have yet to crawl out of the primordial ooze.

Higher (take that any way you like), more sensitive, evolved souls feel these things. Whilst for us, they're just a dumb note on the scale.

My personal opinion is that life is hard enough without adding three extra malefics to the horoscope.

hi Eddy,

I don't think Olivia thought you were being snarky, it's just that there are those astrologers, influenced by Theosophical ideas, that think astrology only works on the "spiritually evolved", which usually means middle class Anglos.

No, Eddy, I didn't think you were being snarky at all. That was just the stock response I got to not noticing the effects of the outer planets when I was studying modern astrology.

It's a built-in safety system for them, you see - they can't be wrong no matter what the answer. If you feel Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, hypotheticals, then you're evolved and their astrology works.

If you don't feel their influence, then you're not evolved - and their astrology still works.

This is actually in the literature from Alan Leo to Rudhyar and others. And nobody wants to be unevolved, right? Which may be why some people - not all, but some - bought into it.

And yes, even today, I sometimes get that response from the theosophical crowd. And others. But me and modern astrology were likely doomed from the beginning - long story that I won't share here.