Interactions with the clients chart

We've all been there;
The client arrives, their chart is cast - and everything drops upon your personal nativity. :shock:

What does it mean and how do we react? I find the question interesting because the clients' chart often appears to work as a secondary set of transits. "Look out - This is what is coming your way today!"

Those clients with the closest connections to my own chart seem to appear at times when important developments are going on in my own life - or they portray such circumstances or promotions. Or a client has his or her Mars in opposition to my natal Moon - and as soon as they have gone out the door, hell breaks loose. ('Been there? Done that?')

I do not go through the synastry between my own and other peoples charts before I accept them as clients. "Your Jupiter is trine my Sun and Mars - that's alright, you can come." "Saturn square Moon - No thank's, try the guy next door." But I do find it interesting since I regard my immediate environment as an extension of myself.

The professional standard or code, I must include and also stress, is not to involve with whatever is going on in a clients chart. Our job is to help these people on their way - but I am sure other astrologers have made interesting observations of their own, as things passed by.

Andrew, I pay attention to the synastry between me and the clients, not that it infomrs my decisions to serve them, but I found that people who come to me, almost inevitably have strong connections to my chart. And those who stay as long-term clients, always do. Did not have that many clients whose charts are antagonistic with mine, actually that's something I experience in close relationships more often -- a lot of oppositions and squares with my Significant others, but we hold together in spite. Anyway, i actually do not like when people place Saturn on my asc, less so Saturn afflicting my Moon, but again I find it in my relationships in this configuration or the other. In fact all of my partners, placed their Saturn on the angle of my chart. Sometimes it worked badly, but others OK.

I don't get that so much with clients. I do not have a Mars-Saturn opposition, but I seem to draw everyone looking for an astrologer who does - often it's an angular opposition, as well.

And the ones who don't have a Mars-Saturn opp almost invariably have a Jupiter-Saturn opp. Again, it doesn't match to my chart.

Nodal conjunctions - I have those in spades, and most of my clients have at least one, often more.

Here's the thing, though. The people I've got on with best in my life, I seem to have the worst synastry with. Now, I've seen it show the outline of how the relationship will go, but it seems to dictate outer circumstances more than inner ones - at least in my personal experience. All those tense squares and oppositions are more what's happening in the outside world, but we have to deal with it, than what's happening between us.

Make any sense, or am I just hopelessly weird?