Outer Planets Question

Has anyone observed whether the outer planets (Beyond Saturn) are affected in any way by accidental dignity?

Clearly an outer planet Angular will have certain emphasis. However, I was wondering about what the effects might be considered on the question of whether it were oriental or occidental.

Mars, Saturn and Jupiter oriental... I would guess that Oriental would be beneficial also to their power.

The question of combustion and of retrogradation would also come up.

Partile squares with malefics and trines with benifics...

These planets are influences, but they are not fixed stars. They have retrograde periods, and they are also subject to combustion also. They are planets, albeit not having any essential dignity.

The question is whether one might observe accidental dignities with the outer planets.

Dostoevski had Neptune and Uranus rising with high accidental fortune being partile conjunction with Venus. The factulties, qualities and gifts which those two planets bring, one might say were strong in that chart and life to a superlative degree: a man of great originality, genius, and of great sensitivity.