Significator for car engine?!

A friend is in need of a used engine for her car. She has been given a quote by a seller for a used engine from a scrap car and wants to know if the engine will be reliable. I'm not sure which significator to use for the engine. Would it be considered the property of the seller, therefore Lord 8? Thanks for any insights!

Details of the chart...

23rd January 2010, 16:33, GMT, Worcester, UK. Regiomontanus, 3 degrees Leo rising.

Even if the martial sound of the engine, which Olivia lissens to, sounds interesting, could the engine of a car - so to say its heart - not be signified by the Sun too?

But I would prefer the lord of the 8th signifying the engine!

With the Sun, Lord of the ascendant, though in his fall but received by 'the engine' in its domicile, perfecting his right trine to Saturn within one degree exactly, there should be no problem to get the engine. But could not Saturn's retrogradation in his exaltation be a warning that the engine is too expensive and is not working as it should do?

And another more academical question: Is this still a diurnal (by one single minute!) or a nocturnal chart?


Hi Johannes, yes, Saturn's debilitated condition leads me to suspect that the answer to the querent's question is no, this used engine will not be reliable. If Saturn had not been retrograde, I'd have judged the engine to be ok (exaltation) but overpriced.

With Saturn rx and Mars rx peregrine, I really don't think this is the time to be buying stuff like engines, if it can at all be avoided. Even without a horary, it seems like asking for trouble.

I'll try to take a look at this chart later but I'd say that it is worth exmining the 3rd as well as Mercury - she is buying the engine for her car, after all, maybe the shape of the 3rd and its ruler as well as the influences it receives will throw a better light onto the whole situation.

Olivia wrote:With Saturn rx and Mars rx peregrine, I really don't think this is the time to be buying stuff like engines, if it can at all be avoided. Even without a horary, it seems like asking for trouble.
At least Saturn is not in peregrination, Olivia, he is in his exaltation and in his terms. Probably you meant their retrogradation?

But for the rest there seems to be a certain consent that this engine is not the one.

I worded that post badly - I meant both of them retrograde and Mars peregrine as well. Thanks for pointing that out, Johannes!

And I may as well ask it here, but has anyone else been getting an extreme number of horaries with Mars on the Ascendant of late?