Jupiter Retrograde


I guess it would be much better if I could insert some charts here but unfortunately my notebook died. I am not a professional astrologer more like a committed student but people ask me things from time to time.

My question is about Jupiter being Rx. Two different guys asked me a very similar question about acquiring things they desired - one of them wanted to buy a car. In the chart Saturn as his significator was in opposition with Jupiter Rx as L2 (also L11 if that means anything) pretty much on the cusp of the 3rd house. Other than that there was nothing much going on in the chart. I basically told him that I'm stupid, buzz off etc. But the thing is he got the money he needed (no loan or anything) and bought the car, and is very happy with it. The other guy asked me about buying a piece of equipment. The chart was pretty much the same. He bought it and is happy with it.

I've read on this site about Lilly saying (as far as I understood) that a planet Rx can perform or break off unexpectedly, reversals etc

Please let me know what is your experience with Jupiter and other planets being Rx. Maybe those two guys will have some problems with their purchased items later on, or what? I'm talking about the opposition as a nasty aspect and the sig being Rx. Or maybe Jupiter being Rx somehow reverses the effect of the opposition?

Sorry about my English.

Hi Seiko,

You mentioned that the aspect was cadent. Cardinal cadent aspects are usually in a time figure of months (using the orb difference between the planets). I am speculating because I don't know the situation or the chart, but it probably wouldn't manifest upon purchase.

Re: retro planets, I have asked about this in the horary forum before while Saturn was retro and there are a few aphorisms in the post. You will also find various aphorisms elsewhere. Saturn is a bit different because he's a malefic vs. a benefic like Jupiter.


I have seen various horaries involving current retro Jupiter-Saturn in opposition (most via other astrologers). A lot have involved money, and there was one work crises I worked on for a relative, where the querent was Jupiter and had a disagreement with her boss (Saturn). She was forced to write a document against a friend at work who had been doing something shady, and she butted heads with the boss but caved in. Saturn seems to have the upper hand in the aspect, whatever he represents in a given horary.

I don't know this situation, so this may not apply at all, but I personally don't like to get questions about purchases unless there's a real problem that needs to be addressed with divination. Meaningful horaries are more likely to be reliable. Most of us wouldn't look in the phone book and consult with a psychic when we are thinking of buying a car, so I would imagine this person has asked various questions already. I have had people ask me a significant question that is cauing them major life problems, then they will turn to questions like this, as if to search for a question to ask, on matters you can solve without divination. I had someone ask me four questions this month, and her last question was about a purchase of a car, which I refused to answer because I think she is abusing divination and needs to make decisions without consulting me beforehand or for the entertainment value of my predictions coming true, etc.

Hi Seiko,

Can you share the data for the two charts so we can have a look at them? (I haven't been able to figure out how to post charts either :oops:) but we can cast the charts ourselves. This falls under the category of charts we know the outcome to -- these charts are always very useful learning tools.

I was surprised when you apologized for your English by the way because I hadn't noticed anything that would have suggested it was not your first language.


Thank you for your replies.
Tara wrote:Hi Seiko,

Can you share the data for the two charts so we can have a look at them? (I haven't been able to figure out how to post charts either :oops:) but we can cast the charts ourselves. This falls under the category of charts we know the outcome to -- these charts are always very useful learning tools.

I was surprised when you apologized for your English by the way because I hadn't noticed anything that would have suggested it was not your first language.

I know how to post a chart but don't have the data any more. As I said my notebook died. I just remember the charts 'cause I don't do a lot of charts for other people. Actually, I don't encourage people to ask me anything because as I said I am not a professional astrologer.