steven wrote:So I will do just that and you will find my response in a new topic in the Traditional forum ? Primary Directions and Prediction.
Hello Margherita and Steven,

Thank you to both of you.

Margherita, I still do need some good beginners books (even though I have a correspondance course with Labour?, which have but a few predictive techniques), so Crane's book will be welcome.

Steven, thank you for opening this topic, which is welcome!

Hello Francois,

My book is mainly about primary directions as such, and there isn't a great deal on other techniques. Directions through the terms (the divisor technique) and by rising times alone are discussed in the history chapter, and auxiliary techniques (profections, transits, revolutions) in the final chapter, but not exhaustively.

The table of contents, for anyone interested, looks as follows:

1. The basics: what are primary directions?
2. A brief history of primary directions
3. The three-dimensional chart
4. Directing planets
5. Directing aspects
6. The quest for precision
7. Getting technical: more variables
8. Modern innovations
9. The hyleg and the length of life
10. Primary directions and other predictive techniques
Appendix I: Formulae for calculating primary directions
Appendix II: Software offering primary directions

There is, of course, also a glossary, a bibliography, and an index.