I said there were some stunning links between the symbolism of the star cluster known as the Pleiades from Mesopotania and India and this chart.

See if you agree:

?The regents of the star cluster (Pleiades) are a group of battle-inciting deities called the Seven Gods, in Akkadian the Sebetti. They are found in the entourage of Erra the god of war, plague and death?.the star cluster is one of the most frequently used names for the violent and malevolent planet Mars. The attribution is primarily derived dfrom the Sebetti being attendant upon the god Erra-Nergal, who is closely associated with Mars in astrology? (Babylonian Star-Lore-Gavin White)
In ancient India the star cluster called the Pleiades was associated with six goddesseses.

?they acted as nurses to an infant God called Skanda or Karttikeya who was born in the Pleiades and grew up to become the leader of the armies of the gods. In Hindu astrology , this god is associated with the planet Mars the archetype of the warrior.

As might be expected , given the Martian symbolism associated with this ?Star of Fire? , Pleidian people are fiery characters with intense, powerful emotions. This mansion is said to be governed or ?ruled? by the ancient Vedic god Agni, who is the symbol of fire itself. The name Krittka, however, is related to the name Karttikeya, the God Skanda but also signifies a razor.. and indeed the razor is the principal symbol of mansion 3. These natives are sharp and cutting? ( Mansions of the Moon-Kenneth Johnson)
Just a shame I missed the star! It will be interesting to check these associations out in other charts.

MarkC wrote:Hello RC,

One thing I can see I overdid was the essential dignities at the expense of the accidental dignities. That is a useful lesson for natal study. Also the natural significations of the planets are always important. Jupiter as ruler of the 7th on the ASC did support his 'good' wife. I got too hung up on the planet in detriment.
Interestingly, Jupiter was in the sign of the Virgin! And yeah, she was. :lol:
MarkC wrote: 12th house was of course the house of secret enemies and with 20/20 vision that was always a possibility. However, the 7th as in its role as open enemies was something that didn't occur to me.
Not just open enemies but war as well. We just aren't used to looking for that in a natal reading. You always need several confirmations tho before coming to a conclusion and his chart had them.


MarkC wrote:Yes, retrospective chart analysis is always so clear cut! :lol:
Yes, reading it in hindsight, you could see all the confirmations. I'm not saying I would have put it together had I not know him.