Olivia wrote:Honestly I've found astrocartography to be the best tool. Don't take it simplistically, but use it.

For instance, Venus lines are great for me - but I have an exalted, unafflicted Venus. Unfortunately, two of my Venus lines are in the middle of the sea. The other ones run through Paris and much of France, and one kind of goes straight up and down with New Orleans and Chicago in America being on the line. Regrettably, once you get north of the 49th, that means small towns on the tundra. And I'm really not keen on going back to America.

New England - Saturn's on my ascendant most of there. Retrograde. Enough said.

Italy and much of Germany - Pluto on the ascendant. It isn't a nice vibe, that. If you don't want to use Pluto but simply the point, then it's Mars on the descendant squaring the Moon, and it's a nasty square because the Moon's in Taurus, which is Mars' detriment. Ugh.

Where I live now, Jupiter's on the ascendant, but it's conjunct the North Node, opposite the Sun and Mercury, and in malefic trine to Mars. Jupiter in Libra, Mars in Aquarius, Mars falls in Libra - it's not a nice trine. Jupiter rules my ascendant natally, and it's retrograde.

If this place is good-lucky, then I'm just doomed.

Had I an unafflicted Jupiter, I suspect it would be like those Venus lines are for me.
Nice to know someone knows about this topic.
I happen to have the two malefics, Mars and Saturn, exalted and dignified, although the first is conjunct Venus and the second to Mercury.
When I was in Sydney I felt really good there, and that`s where my dignified Saturn falls on the 4th House.
I`m trying to assess the acuracy of thes maps via the charts of US prsidents

Olivia wrote:Late Leo on the 9th cusp, and it's definitely mixed. Just from a quick web search:

Places ruled by Leo include:

Bath, UK - pretty much the entire UK is a horror for me, I have Mars on the DSC there. Bath is pretty, but not a good place for me. Except Wales. That's far enough out of harm's way, and I love it.

Rome - also an unhappy experience. Do not like Italy at all. Like the museums, but I couldn't get out of the country fast enough. People were strange and it just felt - creepy.

Italy - see Rome

Madagascar - haven't been

Zanzibar - haven't been

France - would go back in a second if I could, have actually lived in both Paris and Marseille.

Sicily - see Rome

So....mixed there. Let's look at Virgo:

Basel, Switzerland - boring in a nice way, could live there.

Los Angeles - it was great during the mid-to-late 1960s, now I'm not so sure.

Paris - wonderful

New England - very close to my idea of hell

Turkey - not spent enough time to really decide, but Istanboul is nice.

Greece - see Turkey
In what way is the UK a horror? Accidents, bullies, agressive colleagues??

All of the above. Accidents (the multiple broken bones kinds), bullies, aggressive colleagues and friends (I won't tell you the family stuff, because it's personal and you wouldn't believe it anyway unless I started dredging up the old newspaper reports but yes. That. Bad.), and even police incidents. Sometimes just ending up in the line of fire for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Friends dying violently. My second husband was killed in Iraq, but before he went back he had a horrible accident in London and broke his neck (but he also had an angular Mars-Saturn opposition natally). He was a good guy, from Wales, I think we had all of two shouting matches in 16 years, and neither of them lasted more than five minutes. No domestic violence, coercion, or any of that. So I definitely lucked out there - in one way, at least.

Do bear in mind that I have Moon on Algol, with Mars in partile square - and it's bad because Mars falls in Taurus. Moon's in 6 natally, and also partile opposite Fortuna in 12 in Scorpio, which Mars rules. For me, it's best to live someplace where Mars is nice and cadent, not to put it on the Descendant - other people, and obviously - the opposition to the Ascendant - me, in this case.

It's a very unhappy line for me to be around. Which is a shame, because there are places in London I absolutely love - I have spent a lot of time in the UK, despite, but I really would have been better off elsewhere.

I always got on well with British soldiers, though, possibly on account of their Mars already being engaged. Even though in other countries, I haven't run into or sought out a lot of military types.

Olivia wrote:All of the above. Accidents (the multiple broken bones kinds), bullies, aggressive colleagues and friends (I won't tell you the family stuff, because it's personal and you wouldn't believe it anyway unless I started dredging up the old newspaper reports but yes. That. Bad.), and even police incidents. Sometimes just ending up in the line of fire for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Friends dying violently. My second husband was killed in Iraq, but before he went back he had a horrible accident in London and broke his neck (but he also had an angular Mars-Saturn opposition natally). He was a good guy, from Wales, I think we had all of two shouting matches in 16 years, and neither of them lasted more than five minutes. No domestic violence, coercion, or any of that. So I definitely lucked out there - in one way, at least.

Do bear in mind that I have Moon on Algol, with Mars in partile square - and it's bad because Mars falls in Taurus. Moon's in 6 natally, and also partile opposite Fortuna in 12 in Scorpio, which Mars rules. For me, it's best to live someplace where Mars is nice and cadent, not to put it on the Descendant - other people, and obviously - the opposition to the Ascendant - me, in this case.

It's a very unhappy line for me to be around. Which is a shame, because there are places in London I absolutely love - I have spent a lot of time in the UK, despite, but I really would have been better off elsewhere.

I always got on well with British soldiers, though, possibly on account of their Mars already being engaged. Even though in other countries, I haven't run into or sought out a lot of military types.
Does this apply to most people with Mars in house 7 or only if it`s badly aspected?
Anyone else wants to share?


I doubt anyone would want to go into that level of personal detail - I feel very weird about having done it.

In answer to your question, no, if you don't have a colossally badly aspected Mars, it won't be as bad on the descendant. But it's still a malefic, and it will still be opposing you, so do bear that in mind.

Olivia wrote:I doubt anyone would want to go into that level of personal detail - I feel very weird about having done it.

In answer to your question, no, if you don't have a colossally badly aspected Mars, it won't be as bad on the descendant. But it's still a malefic, and it will still be opposing you, so do bear that in mind.
I asked because I don`t have Mars setting, yet I suffered some bullying till my twenties, but I`ve never witness an accident with dead and all that. It`s always the others who tell me their horror stories about a car crash with lots of victms. I seem to be lucky not to have seen any corpse in a car yet.
I just found out that the mid-point betwen my ASC- IC is right in Pars Fortuna. I never cared much about mid-points and arabic parts until Project Hindsight began to mention how important they are. But nobody seems to know how to interpret them properly.

Applied to Astrocartography, I didn`t notice that in places where the new rising sign is Pars fortuna sign anything special took place. But I know that in the Far East Mid Points are all important