Mercury changing signs: fightin' words?

Hello everyone,

As an Aquarius, I like to stay friendly with my exes and have been known to ring one up out of the blue, just to say 'hi'. Usually this is a good thing.

I've been thinking about one of them lately and did a chart to see whether I should get into contact with him again to see how he is. We had a long, drawn-out parting which, while amicable, also left both of us with some hurt feelings. I still feel fond of him, but as our last conversation wasn't very pleasant, I hesitate.

Thursday 7th December 2006 20:48 hrs London.

There was another chart on this forum that had similar aspects;, 7th significator Saturn in the 1st, Rx, in reception with and applying by trine to 1st significator Sun in the 5th. Neptune on the 7th cusp meaning he's either ambivalent or won't be completely honest about something or other.

But what made me curious is this: the moon, strong in Cancer in the 11th of friendship applies by trine to Mercury 3rd ruler of communications. This must represent me trying to offer an olive branch. Now, Mercury is in the final degree of Scorpio and about to move into Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment. This can't be good for communications! Mercury's next aspect is to Mars.

I'm wondering if we'll have a fight?

Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, 5th ruler, are all posited in the 4th. The moon, after making its final aspect to Mercury, would apply by trine to Mars.

So what my question really is, is what would the final outcome be if I did make contact? Is it as I suspect and that the contact wouldn't go as planned? Is that what the Mercury thing could mean?

Thanks very much!
piglet :)

Just to clarify, could someone please let me know their ideas about Mercury changing to detriment and the Moon applying to this. I realise that the Saturn guy is not a good bet (I read the other thread!!) but I'm curious as to the *general* meaning of the whole Moon/Mercury/Mars thingmie, as applied not only to this query, but other queries of a 'communication/contact' nature.

piglet :)

Saturn thinks about you and cares about you and While you could call him, mercury (conversation) moving ot detriment, suggests that it would spoil the good thoughts you have of each other and perhaps a bit mroe time might be better before you get to talking. let some wounds heal up a bit. Saturn person seems to really need some healing, and speaking to him, will probably only hurt you, mercury going detriment...

well my read anyway... hoping chiron is in a good spot for you! Granny

Thanks, granny. The guy is definitely of a Saturn nature and very sensitive to hurts.

What I'm not absorbing into my poor brain is the possible action sequence: The moon perfects the trine with Mercury before he changes signs. However, Luna then trines Mars. I've been scrolling through CA trying to find a chart with an end-of-sign reading; MarkF suggested one but in that chart it's a late-degree Moon, which Lilly disregards anyhow. In my chart here the moon is very well placed, being in her own sign and in the 11th, and while I don't hold out much hope that Mr. Saturn will be able to offer me much in the shape he's in, I'm still dead curious about that Mercury. It's in the 4th house of endings. Perhaps that's what the conversation would end up as: a 'final' ending (Mercury goes to detriment), with anger left over (Moon to Mars, then Mercury to Mars)? Jupiter, ruler of the 5th, is also placed in the 4th, and the moon is impedited from contact with him by Mars. Another case for argument?

It's definitely putting me off contacting him, but I'd still like to be able to understand all the aspects so I can use them in future charts! :)

Saturn most certainly beholds you but granny_skot is right; he's in such bad shape you might end up making things worse by contacting him! I think you're probably right about the moon-mercury thing. That late degree means a change looming; perhaps you guys would get your signals crossed during the conversation or wind up misunderstanding one another? The moon in her sign might mean you have the best of intentions about contacting him, and may be able to do so easily (trine), but the conversation itself doesn't go so well. I'd suspect you'd wish you hadn't contacted him at all! :?