I dont believe Saturn in 7th has the same issue for electional as Horary? someone correct me if I err here please.

If this is a readable chart man's significator is in the house of his enemy, opposing Neptune and square Sun and JUpiter. Saturn in Leo and square sun, who is on the MC, suggests that he was killed over money. Jupiter being at the top of the chart also somewhat suggests, justice done? though is about to change signs so??? The moon the co-significator is in the ugly part of the sky, where moon and sun do poorly the via combusta, from 15 Libra to 15 scorpio, and is in the 9th house, in this case I'd say refering to law.

The person is an open enemy, a man. Sun suggests not old. Jupiter rules both second house of wealth and 11th of congress, government, etc. The fact the man worked with money and with Jupiter representing money here, makes it likely that it is a related incident.

well that is my two bite response.


I have tried searching for a news article about this event, to find out more about the surrounding circumstances, but the search proved fruitless.

Could you provide a link to a news report Siderum? It's okay if it's in Spanish, 'Google translate' comes in very handy.
If this is a readable chart
Without more information we can only guess that 12.30 was the estimated time of death, or a time at which a disturbance may have been heard or recognised at the house of the murdered man, etc. However, even if this is not the precise time at which the murder actually occured, then 12.30 is the significant time, because this is the time that is reported and as such is laden with importance, even if only for this reason.

I like to look at 'last seen' charts of missing people, to see if I can find out what has become of them from such charts. Usually, these people don't turn up, so the interpretation cannot be verified, but it makes for fascinating speculation none the less. Some of these charts are very sad, suggesting the worst, that the person has been murdered, but as so often it is never found out what happens to these missing people it is often a fruitless pursuit, so now I'm wanting to turn my attention to unsolved crimes, as crimes are usually solved, so the interpretation is usually verifiable. Often these 'last seen' and murder charts are based upon estimated times, nearly always reported as on the hour or half past the hour, making the rounding off of a general time evident - but, if this is the time that is reported, that is given focus to by all concerned, then never mind accuracy, this is the significant time, by very nature of the fact that so much focus is placed upon it.

I feel that the material distopia of weights and measures in which we languish, makes us far too concerned with the matter of accuracy over the importance of significance, the former is the concern of science, the latter of art, and astrology is art.

I would like to start a thread later to discuss this matter.

Anyway, just a bug of mine I needed to get off my chest. :???: (Like I know anything anyway)!

In any case, a most predatory Mars in Scorpio looms over the horoscope right at midheaven, a fallen and waning Moon having just made it's ingress into the Arachnid, making this chart appear insidious at first glance.

As Granny has pointed out, the unfortunated man's significator sit's in the clutches of the enemy in the seventh, and the Sun, the killer, just separates from a square of Saturn, illustrating how the man suffered at the hands of the enemy before the enemy fled.

I would agree that the murderer is a man, as murderer's nearly always are, so it would take very strong testimony to the contrary to suggest otherwise.

I am interested that Mars, presiding over the chart, is dispositor of the Sun, and Mars sits as ruler of the tenth, right upon the tenth, so here is one of great power and influence, and yet a dangerous person. I suggest that Mars represents a person who the accountant has worked for, being an employer, and his subject the Sun is one who has killed the accountant upon his bidding or influence.

The man represented by Mars, one who had brought the accountant into employment, would be a wealthy and influential enough man to have a person killed without getting his hands dirty. Not only is the power of this man evident in the chart by it's essentially and accidentally fortified position, but the turned sixth from the tenth is also ruled by Mars, so this man serves only himself, he is self employed, rich and powerful, vengeful, and certainly not one to be crossed.

It interests me that Jupiter represents both the finances of the employer and those of the accountant. You don't want to see your money and your accountant's represented by one and the same sigificator, as your money should not belong to your accountant, suggesting that perhaps the accountant had fiddled money from the employer. Jupiter, on his own, tells us that we are talking a lot of money here, but why is Jupiter lost in peregrine state? Because, this money, properly belonging to the employer, being in his sign and strong dignities, is not where it should be, further to the testimony of the money being mixed with the accountants own and that he has swindled cash from his employer.

Jupiter in Saturn's term shows more strongly the employer's money entering into the hands of the accountant, especially that Saturn is in Jupiter's triplicity and face, and the Sun in Jupiter's term shows how it is the killer's mission to get this money back, especially as the Sun applies conjunction to Jupiter, or at least, his issue being with the money, to enact revenge. Although there is mixed reception between the accountant and money, the employer is in Jupiter's term, but the money does not reciprocate with any reception to Mars: the employer is after his swindled cash but it is not forthcoming.

A motive for murder is unfolding.

If the Sun shows that the killer acted upon the influence of Mars, an employer, then it does not seem that this is the work of a hitman, who would normally shoot the victim than stab them to death, which suggest that the murderer already possessed a personal hatred of the victim, indeed, Saturn detriment in Leo suggests that the victim had reason to fear his killer and that his killer hated him. Looking at the chart to try and discern the relationship between the killer and the accountants employer, then I see that the Sun rules the employers turned tenth. However, it seems that Mars is not employed by anyone, he works for and serves only his self, so the Sun as ruler of the Mars' turned tenth may suggest that the Sun represents to Mars one who is higher in rank to him, and the Sun in Mars sign shows a mutual respect. So the Sun, the killer, hated the accountant anyway, but learning of the fact that the accountant had swindled money from Mars, a man who the Sun respects, was the catalyst and excuse he needed for murder.

The accountant was not a popular man.


Just wanted to add. The accountant, Saturn, rules the employers third and fourth houses, showing that the accountant was dealing with documents pertaining to the employer's estate.

Perhaps also this suggests communications with underworld criminals, because I cannot get it out of my head that the accountant was swindling an underworld criminal.

Thank Granny and Draco!!!
I send the cronic of local newspaper "El Tribuno", ( is traslate with Altavista, is so so)

First report
"An accountant of 42 years was assassinated yesterday of four cuchilladas (cut or slash with a knife ) ones during a violent attempt of robbery happened in his house located in "Tres Cerritos" ( is hight Middle Class District in Salta City), when coming out in defense his son. The delinquent occurred to the flight, but the boy, of 14 years, managed to see the aggressor and now she is a key witness to clarify the case. Police informed that crime happened around 12,45, when Luis Eduardo Antonio Gim?nez Gambetta (h), of 42 years, was in his house that is in the street Teasels 331, next to his son. In spite of the police and judicial hermetism that exists around the case it knew that a thief managed to enter the house by the fore door and was discovered in the interior by the inhabitants. From it is not clear there what it happened, but the Killer would have demanded him to the professional the money delivery and as this one refused, it began to attack it until it took a knife and it aimed four puntazos to him in the thorax. "We think that Gambetta managed to raise wounded until its located room in first stage of the house and was locked in apparently to avoid to continue being attacked. Soon it would have made a call to the 911 in which it alerted on the happened thing and the police arrived at the place ", said one of the investigators. The son of the victim managed to see the assassin, but it is not clear in what place of the house was then. "the boy was reviewed by the legal doctor and he is not wounded. Now we are going to work with him to make identikit of the assassin ", said a high police source. The cash that took part in the first place, had to break the door of the room of Gim?nez Gambetta to be able to enter and there they occurred with a frightful picture: the professional above was dead mouth on the bed. Great commotion The neighbors of the sector were shocked by the brutal crime of the accountant who happened to total light of the day to two blocks of Police station 3. In the place presents became the judges of Formal Instruction 7 and 8, Insipid Jorge Raul Vallejo and Sergio Miranda, respectively, that made an ocular inspection in the scene of the crime and soon they ordered the rise of the corpse and the accomplishment of the corresponding autopsy. The magistrates did not want to make declarations when leaving the building and said that they were going to wait the results of the study. Cash of the Brigade of Investigations work to clarify the case and it knew that they kidnapped a knife with spots of the blood inside the house, that would be the one that would have used the aggressor. On the other hand, personnel of Criminology made the corresponding skills and the rise of tracks. While the police worked in the place, they began to arrive the relatives from the victim and heartrendering scenes were lived. To 15,52 of yesterday, the firemen of the police of the province were in charge to retire the body and to transfer it to morgue of the hospital San Bernardo. One of the hypotheses that handled the investigators is that the thief touched the timbre and soon he pushed the robust adolescent of 14 years, that the victim came out in her defense and for that reason she was stabbed with viciousness. "Era a good person and an exemplary neighbor" The relatives of the victim could not leave the astonishment by the terrible end yesterday that had the life of the accountant Luis Eduardo Gim?nez Gambetta, who the [b]6 of last November[/b] had festejado next to his woman and her two children, their birthday number 42. The neighbors crowded in front of the house of the professional to try to find out that he was what had happened. "Era an excellent person and was characterized being very shared in common. Often we saw it help which struck to their door ", said Mario Gonz?lez, a neighbor of the accountant. "very I am surprised reason why it happened. With my family we listened to the shouts of the lady, for that reason we left and we saw the moving body of 911", emphasized. "the only thing that I wait for is that they find the culprit, because very killed to a man honest, worker and dedicated to its family", said to Juan Carlos Chade, another neighbor of the sector. The keys The police said yesterday that apparently the thief did not manage to take nothing of the house by the reaction of the accountant. Luis Gim?nez Gambetta would have died bled, but last night the results of the autopsy were waited to determine the causes of the decease".

Second Report
Traslate with Altavista ( The report is El Tribuno, local newspaper)

The judge will investigate the adolescent son of the accountant Antonio Gim?nez Gambetta was dead with a knife of the kitchen of its house. The judge of Formal Instruction of Eighth Nomination, Sergio Miranda, will today investigate or in the next hours to the adolescent son of 14 years of the accountant Luis Eduardo Antonio Gim?nez Gambetta, of 42 years, that were the past assassinated Saturday at noon within their house, in the district Three Cerritos. In spite of the hermetism of the investigators and the secret of summary ordered by the magistrate, he extended yesterday that, in the scene of the crime, not yet they appeared signs of one third person. Saturday at noon, in the house located in the street Teasels 331, were the professional and his adolescent son. Around the 13, an operator of Emergencies 911 received a call: "they attacked to me... I am going to die". It was a masculine voice that hung without contributing more details. Minutes later, police patrols arrived until the address - identified by the telephone number. The police had to down throw the door of the married dormitory, in first stage of the house, where they found the corpse of Gim?nez Gambetta, mouth arrives, stabbed in the chest and with cuts in the arms and face. The investigators began to study the recording of the telephone conversation in which aid was requested. He called the attention of which the voice sounded relatively calm, in spite of the order of urgent aid. "There was blood in a corridor and in the dormitory of the victim, which allows us to determine that Gambetta fled to the attacked being and encer? in its dormitory with key, on six thrusts in the chest", counted one of the detectives. The autopsy determined that the victim passed away as a result of an acute hemorrhage. In the address of the victim it did not lack anything and for that reason it is that the searches reject the possibility that his aggressor did it in occasion of robbery. In the same way, they discarded almost of plane, the theory outlined by some means in the sense of a "adjustment of accounts" since the possibility that does not fit a sicario is going desasarmado to fulfill a mandate.

I wonder if he is one of The Gambetta's? that would fit. Granny

PS, Draco I agree with every thing you said, but dont think I could have been so diplomatic. I"m trying to be more diplomatic, but apparently its not working. sigh.... Granny