The power of horoscopi

According to Ptolemy (and other Traditional astrologers), there are 5 places of life (planet/point that could be hyleg):-

1) Sun
2) Moon
3) Ascendant
4) Part of Fortune
5) Degree of the previous lunation (previous new of full moon).

According to Vettius Valens (and other later traditional astrologers) the above first 4 points can be horoscopi (those points that have the power of being the horoscope or ascendant), i.e. we can put sun/moon/asc/pof in the first (rotating the chart). When we put asc on asc we have our normal chart, sun on asc we have solar rising chart, moon on asc we have lunar rising chart, etc. The vedic astrologers put a lot of emphasis on lunar rising chart (Chandra lagna, Chandra = moon, lagna = asc). They don't really plot the lunar rising chart, rather they describe it in their yogas e.g. when Mars is in the 12th or Mars is in the 12th from the moon (same as saying Mars in 12th of Chandra lagna...).

Vettius valens claimed that having the dispositor of Part of Fortune in the 11th from Part of Fortune is good as the 11th from Part of Fortune is the place of acquisition.

Some other astrologers said that we look to the solar rising chart for father's life and lunar rising chart for mother's life...

My question:-
Does anybody here practice this form of turning charts and using the 3 horoscopi (besides asc of course) in their practice? Do you get consistent good results?