Query Regarding a Horary on Horary.

Hi all,

I have just erected a horary asking the question 'Will I Ever get Good at Horary?'.

I was eager to interpret the chart but unfortunately the ascendant rose at Leo 01.26, so the question has been posed too early. I can understand this. I am at an early stage in studying the subject, so it would make sense that I ought to learn more before posing this question. By such a time, it may be unecessary to ask the question because after a lot more study I should know whether I have a latent talent for the subject or not. So this made sense to me.

There were two other indications deeming the horary unfit for judgement. Saturn (r) being in the 1st house, and Saturn ruling the 7th cusp.

That an early ascendant symbolises a premature question seems easy enough to understand, but why does Saturn in the 1st or ruling the 7th deem the horary unfit for analysis. What is special about these characteristics?

I seem to be asking a lot of questions lately but it reflects my enthusiasm.

Also, is there no more information that can be gleaned from the chart despite these limitations?


Draco :wink:

Hi Draco,

Although I don?t think the ?considerations before judgement? prevent judgement, I am one of those astrologers who believe they deserve a great deal of respectful acknowledgement. So yes, it makes perfect sense that you get indications of needing to exercise caution in such a circular question, or that you have asked an ?unanswerable? question. It shows the question to be premature but it also demonstrates the reliability of horary in declining unsuitable questions, so it can be taken as a sign for you to take it seriously and in that sense it?s probably offering you the best encouragement to study it more deeply.

Saturn, being a naturally restrictive planet, often indicates a need for self-limitation. When it falls in the house of the querent, it might show that they are delving into matters that they ought to keep out of, or that there is some corruption in their understanding of the situation or their own motivation. This is not a reliable rule because you have to consider how dignified/debilitated Saturn is; which houses is rules, and how it falls into the overall scheme. But it?s something to consider, especially if the rest of the chart throws up negative signals.

Traditionally, (in a client-astrologer situation), the 7th house signifies the astrologer. The more pertinent issue is not whether the 7th house is ruled by Saturn, but whether the cusp of the 7th house and its ruler is afflicted, suggesting difficulty in the astrologer?s ability to make a good judgement. The 9th aphorism of Ptolemy?s Centiloquium reads:
The astrologer plunges himself into many errors, when the cusp of the seventh house, and lord thereof are unfortunate or afflicted.
Since Saturn is traditionally conceived of as ?the greater malefic?, some authors might be wary of reading the chart if Saturn rules the 7th, but I only think that?s valid if there are other signs of affliction. In some cases affliction to the 7th house indicates the most vital part of the judgement, so it can be a reliable chart, but because it shows a difficult situation it needs to be handled with care and a great deal of forethought.
Also, is there no more information that can be gleaned from the chart despite these limitations?
Useful for information can be gleaned from any chart. The considerations make us wary of a need to re-evaluate or adopt a cautious approach. Occasionally they are pretty much the answer in itself. In your example I think it shows that trying to get guidance from horary as to whether you will become good at interpreting its meaning is nonsensical, because if you can read the answer then you didn?t need to ask this question :)