Horary: Work & Love... Interpretation Help Please

Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. I am new to this forum. I hope that you will please help. I just got my book on horary and I am trying to interpret the horary chart that I drew up a few weeks ago. The past few weeks have been difficult. They have made an announcement at work and in fact I will eventually have to report to more people as I?d suspected. I am not happy about this, but I am taking a wait and see approach. It is complex and perplexing. :shock:

All of this has made me realize that I?ve based my life far too much on my career. Success in my career has almost been my sole source of happiness over the past four years and while it should be a stimulating factor, I?ve come to realize it shouldn?t be the only factor in my life. I need to diversify into different areas so to speak and look to other sources for real happiness. :lala

Anyway, since I?m a beginner in astrology and especially horary, I?d appreciate some help with interpreting the chart. I had drawn up a chart a few weeks ago, but I really had a hard time figuring out whether the moon was VOC or not in that chart. And since circumstances have changed since then, I drew up a new horary chart yesterday and clarified the questions in my head. I hope this second chart is ok and that it?s ok if I ask about two areas of life rather than focusing on one ? I am a Gemini!

1 July 2005
11:30 pm
Antwerp, Belgium
Chart Ascendant: Aquarius
House System: Regiomontanus

My questions about work are:

1. Will I be stripped of my responsibilities and fired?
2. Is there more growth opportunity for me at this company?

My questions about a love relationship:

1. Is this the man I will find true love and happiness with?
2. If so, when will the relationship start?
3. If not, when will there be a happy relationship for me?

This chart appears radical to me and it has been set up using the Regiomontanus house system. The moon is not VOC and the moon is nearly conjunct my natal moon. Mercury and Venus are conjunct my natal Ascendant with an orb of 2 degrees. True Node in the chart is exactly conjunct my natal MC and the vertex is exactly conjunct my True Node. Also, the planetary hour of Mercury seems to fit with the chart since I am a Gemini.

My primary significator is Saturn, the ruler of the Ascendant, and my co-significator is Mars, which is placed in the 1st house. Because Neptune and Uranus are newly discovered planets, they are normally not used in horary and thus cannot be considered my other co-significators even though they are in the 1st house. So we have the greater and lesser malefics representing me. Saturn is in its detriment in Cancer and Mars is in its own sign of Aries.

My career is represented by Jupiter, the ruler of the MC.

We look to Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter to determine the future course of my career.

It appears there is a mutual reception between my primary significator, Saturn, and Jupiter, the ruler of the MC, since Saturn is exalted in Libra and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. I am not sure whether my interpretation of mutual reception is correct? If it is, then according to Bonatus, ?reception abates all malice.?

POF is in the 1st house and the dispositor of fortune is Mars, which is also in the 1st house. Because POF is in Aries, ?he neither gets nor loses.? POF is trine Venus and opposite Jupiter.

Mars and Jupiter have just been in opposition, showing a potential separation. I am not sure whether the following interpretation is correct. It appears that translation of light comes into play favorably since Mercury and Venus are both applying towards a sextile with Jupiter, ruler of the MC.

Saturn and Jupiter are not in aspect at the moment, but once Saturn enters Leo, they will be applying towards a sextile, although this is never really a perfect sextile. The interesting thing here is that Mercury will be retrograde in July and thus will be traveling backwards from 20 degrees Leo to 8 degrees Leo. During this time, it forms a sextile to Jupiter and eventually comes very close to a conjunction with Saturn. I wonder if this qualifies as translation of light??

Saturn is in a cadent house, while Jupiter and Mars are angular.

Could Saturn still technically be considered Cazimi as it is 18 degrees from the Sun?

Jupiter is within 2 degrees orb of being in its own term at 11 degrees in Jupiter??

Jupiter is conjunct Vindemiatrix, which is symbolic of widowhood, loss, depression, witch hunts, mysticism, and the occult.

The MC is within 1 degree orb of conjunction with Antares, which symbolizes honors & riches but sudden loss. This is a star that is ?good for war.?

Mars is within 1 degree orb of conjunction with Alpheratz, which symbolizes honor, wealth, good fortune, possible violent death, and suicide.

As for the relationship ?

The guy in question is signified by the Sun, which is in a cadent house. Jupiter is a co-significator as well since it is in the 7th house, as is the Moon, according to the Chaldean order.

The Sun is applying towards a square with Mars, suggesting conflict. However, it appears Saturn would be able to collect their lights. Saturn is kind of in a state of limbo. It could be considered cazimi in relation to the Sun while at the same time, it would be able to form an out of sign trine with Mars. Is this observation correct?! 8)

If Saturn could be considered cazimi in relation to the Sun, then the Sun and Saturn will be conjunct once they enter Leo, which means that there is the potential for a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, there is interference here because of the square from Mars to the Sun.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus, applying towards a sextile with Saturn. :D

Once Saturn enters Leo, it will apply towards a sextile with Jupiter. :D

Well, I would really appreciate it if you guys could please let me know whether I am on the right track. The outcome looks pretty mixed to me!!!!!!!! How should I judge this? Is my analysis correct?

This is the chart I drew up:

http://www.astro.com/cgi/showgif.cgi?la ... res=90&va=

Thanks for all your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love, love, love to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I really don~t know if we can give you any advice (even the three mage, deb, sue and tom :P ) because I never saw mixing two so different questions...

Maybe the chart will work for you, but i would advise you to, in the future, keep things simple, so you can have a more straightforward answer... I tried to imagine some answer, but there is too much confusion in trying to answer one question at a time, not even god can answer two :-)

Hi befube,

I would agree with Yuzuru that it is best to ask a clear and direct question on an issue that is uppermost in your mind rather than a series of questions that are not necessarily related to each other. Unclear questions lead to an unclear chart.

Just a couple of points on what you have written. I am not sure why you see Mars as your co-significator. The co-significator for the querent is generally the Moon. Mars is not in the 1st house but in the 2nd because it is within 5 deg of the house cusp.

A planet is cazimi, in the heart of the Sun, when it is within 17 minutes of the Sun, not 18 degrees. A planet is under the Sun's beams when it is within 17 deg. Saturn is not any of these in your chart.

I also wouldn't concentrate too much on the fixed stars unless they are particularly relevant to you. It just confuses things unnecessarily, particularly when you are learning. Personally, I don't really use them but I seem to recall Bernadette Brady saying that she uses very tight orbs when looking at fixed stars, no more than half a degree.


Now, now, let's not be hasty. I can't look over this chart right now, but I think a comment is in order. While it is always best to have a clear direct question, multiple questions can be asked and answered successfully. In John Frawley's course we worked on a chart where a married man, was having an affair with another man, but broke it off, he wanted to know where that was going, and what his wife was up to and would they ever have children. All of this was shown by the chart.

The weather was glorious this holiday weekend in the eastern part of the US and I was home alone with no one to share the holiday with so I pulled out my old copies of The Traditional Astrologer Magazine, poured myself a cold drink and retired to the backyard where I indulged in my favorite past time. In issue No 2, David Plant began a series on Lilly's war charts (which are worth reading for any reason at all i.e., both Plant's articles and Lilly's war charts). The article directed me to Christian Astrology. Turn to CA page 455:

If his Majesty should procure forces out of Ireland to harm the Parliament?
If the Queen then in the North would advance with her army?
If she would prosper?
When She and his Majesty should meet?

That's a lot of questions and Lilly answered them all from a single chart and the querent was not a direct participant in the question. Now I don't pretend to be in Frawely's class much less Lilly's so I'm not saying unequivocally that I can do it. But I do think it can be done. The problem, if it is one, with the questions posed above is that they don't appear to be strongly related like Lilly's chart or the chart that John uses for students. I'll take a crack at it as time permits. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Won't be the first time or I'm sure, the last.

As for befube, I strong reccomend that you buy, at once, John Frawely's recently published Horary Textook. I completed John's course along with a fellow member of my astrology group. I asked him what he thought of the book after we both had time to read it. Keep in mind I asked this same man whether or not he was planning on purchasing the book since he had completed the course. He said, yes, but didn't expect much from it. When asked how he liked it, he claimed he learned more from it than he expected and wished he had it when he was studying horary. So go buy it.

After you buy that, then get a retyped edition of Christian Astrology. You'll need it. You only need vol 1 & 2 for horary, but buy all three. You won't be sorry.

Welcome to the group and good luck with your studies.


Saturn in the Sixth house of Physical Well Being and servants in detriment, is not looking to happy. Jupiter Ruler of the 10th is on eighth house cusp, possible end if not major change in your career??? and Moon seems perfectly valid to me, it is changing houses, but not signs. Looks as though family and community are gaining importance to you , also moon will shortly be sextile Saturn, which may help.

Whether you look to the 7th or the 5th for romance and love in your life, both representative planets are in the sixth house with your significator... The Sun, significator of the 7th is approaching Saturn and Mercury, significator of the fifth is on the 7th house cusp.

well not certain how well I've enterpreted any of that, but would love to hear what happens in your life in the next few motnhs.

Granny :???:


Sue pretty much answered the questions you asked, so let?s start at the beginning. The querent (you) is signified by Saturn, ruler of the ascending sign, Aquarius, and the Moon. In relationship questions the woman also gets Venus. For the job part, you will not get Venus, only the relationship stuff. Let?s start with the job.

The MC ruled by Jupiter who is in Libra in the 8th represents your job. Jupiter is in mutual reception with Saturn (you). So you and the job are working together nicely. The weakness shown is probably the weakness of yourposition. I?m assuming you are young and don?t have a great deal of authority or seniority, so, it is only natural that your significator would be weak. But your job situation isn?t hopeless, just difficult. Saturn is in aspect, by sign to its dispositors the Moon and Jupiter, so you might be in a weak position, but not a hopeless one. There are ways out. The part of fortune is in your 11th house of good luck (I don?t reverse formulas for night charts), and Jupiter rules it as well. You maybe thinking, ?Yeah they think they?ll be lucky to get rid of me, but I don?t think so. The job, Jupiter isn?t separating from Saturn or the Moon, so this looks good.

In such cases I look to the part of resignation or dismissal (Saturn + Jupiter ? the Sun) in this chart that part falls at 27 Libra 59. Saturn has passed the part. So they may have been thinking of it, but I don?t think it will happen.

Is there opportunity for growth? Well, Jupiter, the planet of expansion rules the MC and the part of fortune. Saturn is in the exaltation of Jupiter, and the Moon, one of the indicators of fortune is exalted and disposits the Sun, the other significator in the POF. So I do believe there is room for growth in this position, but whatever caused you to think they?d let you go, must be considered. Who or what caused the problem?

I agree with Sue that the fixed stars in horary are to be used judiciously. Jupiter is the job. The job will become the ?widow? not you (on Vindematirx), if this has an effect at all. I?d be more concerned about Jupiter in the 8th, but since Venus, Jupiter?s dispositor applies by sextile, I don?t think this is much of a problem either.

In my world the Moon already changed houses as I treat them as though they begin five degrees before the cusp. So I?d put the Moon in the 3rd, exalted in the house of her joy: very strong.

I don?t see anything that indicates you?ll lose your job, and I do think there is room for growth here.

Once more, you get Saturn, the Moon, and Venus. Saturn is you as personality. The Moon is your as emotional being. Venus is you as feminine ideal. He gets the Sun. Normally the man gets his significator plus the Sun, but when Leo is on the 7th or first, the man only gets the one planet.

We look to the receptions. Venus is in Leo so Venus ?loves? the Sun. But this is the female part of you. The ?gushy stuff.? It shows attraction and often it shows the initial physical attraction in any relationship. So here we have potential. The Sun is in Cancer, so the Sun ?loves? you as emotional being. This can go two ways. Some men just love women, and all their conflicting emotions. They deal well with them, and I suppose make god partners. That?s one side of loving the emotions. The other side is that some men want to be taken care of -- excessively. You want the former. There is mutual attraction. We?d like to see some Sun ? Saturn reception, but all things in time.

Will this last? I have to confess I don?t know. ?Last? in this case means marriage to me, so I look to the part of marriage. There is no Arabic part of ?long term meaningful relationship that ultimately goes nowhere.? If there were such a part, it would quickly become the most overused part of any chart. The part of marriage falls at 19 Aquarius 01. Oh gee, it?s in your sign and in your house. What could you be thinking of? Unfortunately there is a complete disconnect between this part and the Sun unless we consider the fact that Aquarius is the detriment of the Sun and he won?t be happy there. This is not a death knell to the relationship, so don?t stop seeing him because of this. Marrige may not be foremost in his mind right now. Situations change.

What intrigues me here is the Moon. The Moon is conjunct the 7th house cusp by antiscion. Is there something clandestine about this relationship? You don?t have to answer that, and it may be nothing more than an innocent secret hope for a marriage. I have nothing against marriage, I?ve done it twice, and I find nothing wrong with people who want that for themselves. But keep your wits about you. Initial attractions are fine, even fun, but they do wear off eventually. If that is all there ever was to the relationship, it goes away, too. Both of you have to build on it.

The next questions I?m not so sure what to do with since my above answer is a bit vague. I will note that the Sun?s next aspect is to Mars, ruler of your second house and poised right on the cusp. Mars is powerfully placed in Aries, the exaltation of the Sun.

Let?s see how this works out. If you lose your job and Prince Charming proposes, I?d like to hear about that, too. We never learn by being right.

Best wishes,


Hi Tom,
The weather was glorious this holiday weekend in the eastern part of the US and I was home alone with no one to share the holiday with so I pulled out my old copies of The Traditional Astrologer Magazine, poured myself a cold drink and retired to the backyard where I indulged in my favorite past time.
Don't you go overdoing it now Tom. Sounds rough. :) Great job with the delineation. I have been thinking about my statement above regarding doing a chart with more than one question. I do agree that it is possible and I know that Lilly did it. But for me it isn't so much whether it is possible to delineate a chart like this but whether we should be using horary in this manner. The examples you gave above appear to me to involve a number of questions that are interrelated so I see it as appropriate that the chart will answer these questions. There are also times when seemingly unrelated questions are actually tied in together, e.g. asking questions about work and relationship when you are having an affair with the boss. But if we are asking a series of questions that are unrelated can we really be asking in a manner that is required of a clear chart? I am speaking hypothetically here because I am not suggesting for a minute that the career and love life of befube are not of equal importance. But I have to wonder whether the chart, or the question, can lose some of its meaning or clarity if we ask about more than one area of our life at a time. I think it becomes too easy to have the attitude of asking a question and then throwing in another question while we are at it.


Don't you go overdoing it now Tom.
I never do ;-)

Your questions are good ones, and I've thought about them as well. It's one thing to ask, "Where is my extra marital relationship headed and will I get caught?" And quite another to ask, "Will I lose my job and is my sister pregnant?" I agree there should be a common thread.

Or should there? If both questions are important, why do they have to have a common thread other than their importance to the querent? Yes, if the querent is using horary for a grab bag of information, I agree that it won't work. But it won't work because the questions, or at least some of them, don't qualify as sincere. That would be true if there was only one question, as well.

So from this point of view, if a person sincerely asks more than one question, I don't have a problem with setting the chart and taking the questions one at a time as though they were individual questions. Suppose for example you are a busy horary astrologer taking questions via e-mail. Question A comes in, you set the chart and it's quick and easy. You say "No." Then what? You open your next e-mail and set the chart? Let's face it - the chart hasn't changed. You're using the same chart as you did for the previous question. The questions are unrelated, but you answer both of them from the same chart. What is different from our scenario is that two individuals, rather than one, asked the questions. Does that make a difference?

Look at Lilly. His diaries tell us he saw clients for about 15-20 minutes at a time. Surely, some of the sometimes minor adjustments he made, if in fact he made them, weren't even necessary. Yes, if the ASC changed from one client to the next, that would be significant, but if we start the day with 2 Taurus on the ASC, it will be a few hours before Venus stops being the significator of the querent, and even the Moon doesn't move that much in two hours.

There is another way to approach this, and if I were dealing with our new friend on a personal rather than public basis, I would have done that. What is the real question? Suppose, and this is purely hypothetical, befube came to me and asked those questions. Let's further assume I discover through a gentle probing that she was genuinely afraid of losing her job, and her boyfriend didn't seem to be all that interested or maybe even hinting at ending the relationship. Yes, she really wants to know the answer to those two questions, but isn't there something else going on here? Maybe the real question is, "Why is my life such a mess right now?" Or "My employer wants to get rid of me; my boyfriend wants to get rid of me, and the cat ran away. Why am I having such a difficult time, and will it end soon?" Hypothetically again, that might be a bit closer to what she wants to know. We can't do that online in an educational forum such as this.

I'm like you. I think answering a series of questions can be done. But in my case, the fact that Lilly could do it, doesn't mean I can do it. I tried my hand at it, and I feel I came up short partly because I ran into a bit of a wall with the, "Well, if this doesn't work out, when will something work out for me?" I wasn't sure how to deal with that because it seemed so deterministic. People have difficult periods with their relationships, but unless at some level they don't want a permanent relationship, or unless they are truly repulsive, it doesn't last forever. But answering the question: "WHEN?" doesn't solve the problem because it implies the querent just has to sit around and wait for a knock on the door. Again, this last is not addressed to befube. This is purely hypothetical.

I recall a woman a long time ago, who was forever asking me: "When will I meet someone? When will I find a good man?" And I always felt like shaking her and screaming YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE FIRST!!! Prince Charming wasn't making the rounds knocking on doors in her neighborhood the last time Jupiter hit her Venus, but he may have been at the local singles group meeting, or church, or beach, or bookstore. And if he was, he probably went home with the other lady who had transiting Jupiter trine her Venus.

My other "favorite" person in this regard simply thought she was better than everyone she met. There was always something wrong with anyone she encountered. Well, except for me and one or two other guys, there will always be something less than perfect, and all the horaries in the world aren't going to land you a mate unless you change your attitude. So stop asking horary questions, and start learning how to relate. (PS she wasn't perfect either).

So I sort of ducked that question since I didn't want it to sound like a sealed fate, if I couldn't find anything. NOTE TO ALL QUERENTS: Just because an astrologer can't find it, doesn't mean it isn't there. No one is perfect. I like John's remark in his new book:

"Nor is there any reason why someone should not ask the same question more than once. Doctors can give second opinions; so can astrologers. Truth is a sturdy beast; it does not run away if more than one person looks at it."
So now after quoting John, I'll also quote him on something relevant to befube's questions;
"Supplementary questions are fine: "When will I marry?" Will I have children. Will he get along with my family? Will he have a good job?" These can all be judged from the same chart. But it is best to discourage questions on different issues: "When will I marry? When will I get a better job? Where is the cat?"
But then he adds:
Sometimes querents will have two or three issues weighing on them, so , if necessary these questions can be answered from the same chart. But if asking of many unrelated questions suggests that none of them is the real issue, it is better to ask the querent to reflect on what is most important and ask that."
I think that's good advice.. And now with the question more muddled than ever, I shall go take it easy on myself -- again.



Hi Tom

Just wanted to say I also think you did a great job on the delineation, thank you very much for illustrating it for the likes of me. I also agree with what you say above in the follow up:
If both questions are important, why do they have to have a common thread other than their importance to the querent? Yes, if the querent is using horary for a grab bag of information, I agree that it won't work. But it won't work because the questions, or at least some of them, don't qualify as sincere. That would be true if there was only one question, as well.
As ever, it depends on the querent's ernestness in asking the questions. As you note, if they are all on the querent's mind, then they should also be in the chart. Just takes knowledge, perseverance (and no small talent 8) ) to work through them in an orderly manner.

A good job, well done :'
I shall go take it easy on myself -- again.

You deserve it! :wink:

Asking more than one question or the same question twice

I learned (and it's so far proved true) that generally, when we ask the same question more than once (because we didn't like the first answer) the other charts give the same answer, or are not "radical."

However, there are situations that by their very nature are ephemeral and in those situations asking a question more than once is not "against the rules" so to speak.

For example, if you are selling a house, you might ask "will my house sell" and get a no. A few weeks or months later you might ask the same question and get a yes.

But generally it's best to wait for a reasonable period of time or to see if circumstances change before asking the same question.

Which brings me to the next point. I've read that horaries are only "good" for three months. What is your experience with this?

The second issue is asking multiple questions from the chart: I can see where this might be entirely appropriate if the issues are related: for example, "If I have an affair with my boss will I lose my job?"

Or, "Will I find the man of my dreams and if so, will it last?"