void-of-course Moon - career question

Hi All,

I hope someone can help clarifying the role the the Moon in this case.

Background: I am an independent IT consultant, mostly at middle management level. Recently a friend introduced a firm where I can join (and pay some money to buy in) as a partner and pursue the same line of work, but hopefully at a higher, executive level. I still need to market myself and find my own assignments, but the firm provides networking at a higher level, hopefully higher billing rate. In return, I split part of my earnings with the partnership.

Horary question: Will this partnership be beneficial and successful for me? 1:11 pm July 02 2005, Newport Beach, Califonia, USA.

My attempt:
Me: 1st house Libra, ruled by Venus. Venus at 5:35 Leo
Career question: 10th house Cancer ruled by the Moon.

Now the Moon is at 29:52 Taurus and is void-of-course. so there is my simple answer: Nothing will come of it.

Is the void-of-course means no aspects before leaving the sign? or the house? because while still in the 8th house of the chart, the Moon will get to a sextile to Venus. Does this mean anything?

Also, although this is a career question and I assigned it to the 10th house, but can it be considered a (business) partnership question and a 7th house matter?

Any help and guidance would be much appreciated.


Hi Vegas

I have not been so participating in skyscript forum nowadays because I have moved from colombia to brasil, and as they always do, all computer programs just refused to continue working, so I lost Janus, and I am lost without it :-? but I will try a little guess...

First of all, the moon is not exactly void of course, because is in taurus, exaltation of moon. But she is in the 8th, and that seldom reflects a good result, unless it reflects "other people?s money" issues.

You are the only one who can decide if this is a 10th or 7th issue... but Jupiter, exaltation of cancer, is in the cusp of ASC, showing you look at this mainly as an carreer upgrade, I think.

Your ruler, venus is in the 10th, applying by trine to mars, ruler of the 7th. But mars is in his own house and sign, so I am not really sure if this partner is so interested in closing the deal in terms you would like it. He doesn?t receive you in any way, in fact he is in venus exile... So he has all the cards and you have none, careful about sudden changes in the terms of the negociation.

The moons is applying to venus, by sextile. Sun, ruler of 11th and exaltation of 7th, is in 10th, so I believe this can be a good deal, if really finished.

Hope thing go well for you in this partnership


Thanks for sharing your intepretation which make quite a lot of sense.

I have been staring at Jupiter sitting on the ASC, sextile to Venus. Yes, this is not a partnership in the traditional sense, it's a networking group, it's a vehicle for all partners involved to make a step up. I certainly look at it as a career upgrade like you pointed out.

You are also correct about the arrangement of the partnership. It's clear, upfront, and applies equally to all who want to be in, but it seems to favor the firm and not the individual (I have to pay an amount to "buy in", do most the work myself, and pay the firm 25% of my earnings, what I get out of this are the possible leads).

I am less clear about your comment about the moon in the 8th house, I did see that it's in a strong position there. "Beneficial and success" here simply means good clients who pay high fees for my service, would that be the "other peoples money"?

Thanks again.


void of course Moon

If you go by the late Barbara Watters, author of "Horary Astrology and the Judgment of Events" she tells us that the Moon rules function and that when it is void of course, that is, making no applying aspect to any other planet before leaving the sign it's in, nothing will come of the situation. As she put it, the situation has no future as things stand.

This may mean that you may join the group, but become dissatisfied soon afterward and leave. Or it may mean that circumstances conspire to keep you from joining even though you want to.

Also, the Moon at 29 degrees Taurus is in the Pleiades, or the "weeping sisters" which Watters says is a very malefic degree.

My own experience is that when the Moon is VOC, it is as Watters says, "Nothing can prevent the dead-end result that occurs when the Moon is Void of Course."