The examples you have made are really hard to comment on the lack of time ...

Duke Patty, is a different example from the other two examples ... there is predisposition in question - Virgo asc, Moon in Virgo - intestine

ruler 8 house Mars conjuction So , square Mo in Virgo , so possible problems with sepsis
Coincidentally or not Neptune 150 Neptune

Other two example are different...

These are specific examples where ruler 1 and 8 house the same planet, in this case Mars. It is specifically because of the connection between 1 and 8 house is frequently encountered in individuals who die at an earlier age.

And there is one of the possible problems, sepsis, because of the 8 house...
so nothing strange in this examples

for Emmerich, coincidentally or not Neptune in 8 house when he died...

Well, "other indicators"...
I don't like to show my natal chart publicly, maybe because I'm "superstitious" with my heavy 8th house (Mercury and Sun there). Basically I agree that busy 8th house make personality "Scorpian" as well.
May father is typical Scorpio personality. I have Libra AC and Taurus Sun with two other planets in Taurus, but there are Scorpio's patterns in my character, the most of 1st house sector is Scorpio by the way.
I think my pneumonia in young age because of afflicted Mercury(under t-square) in 8th which ruling 9th house (associated with Sagittarius)
At the same time all my emigration associated with 9th house and Mercury, which ruling middle years, according to theory of triplicity rulers of AC sign.
So, with my Libra AC younger years ruled by Saturn, middle years by Mercury (I 've emigrated after 30 years old) and later years by Jupiter.
Last edited by Yuriy on Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

So everything is based on practice. and Yuriy confirmed on his example also ...
Normally if someone attributes a certain disease to an astrological signature there is some literature to support this, rather than observation. I see the outer planets helping to describe things in charts but in general they are more mundane in influence and often more specific diseases are described in other ways. As someone whose profession involves infectious diseases, I was interested in where someone would get information such as Uranus showing a viral infection.

Yuriy wrote:Well, "other indicators"...
I don't like to show my natal chart publicly, maybe because I'm "superstitious" with my heavy 8th house (Mercury and Sun there). Basically I agree that busy 8th house make personality "Scorpian" as well.
May father is typical Scorpio personality. I have Libra AC and Taurus Sun with two other planets in Taurus, but there are Scorpio's patterns in my character, the most of 1st house sector is Scorpio by the way.
I think my pneumonia in young age because of afflicted Mercury(under t-square) in 8th which ruling 9th house (associated with Sagittarius)
At the same time all my emigration associated with 9th house and Mercury, which ruling middle years, according to theory of triplicity rulers of AC sign.
So, with my Libra AC younger years ruled by Saturn, middle years by Mercury (I 've emigrated after 30 years old) and later years by Jupiter.
In your case, it is probably a combination of 8 hous and Venus as the ascendant ruler, and the Sun sign ruler

Because it is about the throat area as a predisposition (Venus) sometimes in the inflammation of tonsils, the inflammation may spread to the lungs...

But this is only theory ... without the chart and the date when the inflammation occurred could not be confirm or deny ...

Tanit3333 wrote:
So everything is based on practice. and Yuriy confirmed on his example also ...
Normally if someone attributes a certain disease to an astrological signature there is some literature to support this, rather than observation. I see the outer planets helping to describe things in charts but in general they are more mundane in influence and often more specific diseases are described in other ways. As someone whose profession involves infectious diseases, I was interested in where someone would get information such as Uranus showing a viral infection.
I really can not list literature ... I have learned directly from the other astrologer, and the basic thing I've learned is:

You must prove or reject any theory through practical application.

That's what I do. I work with people and always ask for feedback, through conversation.
The basic question is - when did something happen?

Every event in our lives has its beginning and of course the end.
The moment when something happened is practically a horary chart (hora = time, hour)

Moment when something is created, explains everything...of course compared to the natal chart...

for that reason it can be exactly tracked and check what planet really can bring ...

Uranus will sometimes be a virus, sometimes an allergic reaction, sometimes a stressful period ... but if once, a person reacts, for example, through an allergy, it is a great chance that it will be on every next transit to some position in the natal chart

So do not believe me or the literature, but check it yourself.

Tomorrow is exact aspect happening.
Astrodienst site describing it mostly about relationship changes, which I can't imagine in that regard.

"Less routine
Valid during many months: The effects of this influence are often quite spectacular. You are likely to seek new freedom and excitement through your relationships. You may even decide to break away from an old, steady marriage or other relationship and seek a second youth through a new affair. But this is an extreme response which is by no means inevitable, especially if your current relationship is basically sound. It is more likely that you will change your existing relationships, sexual and otherwise, so that they are more interesting and less routine. Every relationship, no matter how good, settles into behavior patterns that kill spontaneity and make you both feel that you have little to offer each other. In other words, you get bored. You can count on this influence to change the situation. The means by which you revive and renew a relationship will vary according to your temperament. If a relationship is quite unsatisfactory and you are naturally impulsive, you may respond in the "classic" manner by seeking a new love affair. If you are more conservative and also happier in an existing relationship, you will go through a period of tension that will lead you to reexamine the relationship and make necessary changes. If you are living with your partner and having problems now, a relationship counselor might be helpful. You need new ideas to enliven your relationship, which an outsider might be able to provide. Some couples create new arrangements under this influence, such as an open relationship, in which they allow relationships outside of their own. In this regard you must do what is appropriate for the two of you. If you are not in a permanent relationship, you may become involved in a relationship that is completely different from anything you have experienced before. However, in this case, you should be aware that the excitement and newness of such a relationship may be a large factor in making it work, and when it becomes older and more routine it might not last. If you are involved in an artistic activity, you will brim over with new ideas. This can be a very creative influence, although you may have to wait until it is over to integrate what you have learned into your regular techniques."

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Uranus conjunction Venus, , exact at 13:39

Keep in mind that Uranus spends a long time in a sign and will move backwards back over your placement also. You can check an ephemeris for those dates but I would wager it will retrograde over it at least once or twice. The first perfection can sometimes trigger the start of something that you go through again with the retrograde movement. For me, it would have been hard to distinguish between Uranus conjunct Venus or Mars, since they are together, and I believe Uranus will still aspect my Mars at least one more time, but the only thing different was a change in job and residence (mine was in the 10th which is also opposite the 4th), but this isn't an eventful occurance for me, since I already change jobs and residences frequently and have already been considering a new one (when my transit is over). I typically move yearly and sometimes change jobs within a year or two. My previous job was more repressive than my current one but my current one lacks proper rules and training, so I can see how Uranus gives too much freedom. At the same time, I would prefer too much freedom to too little, but overall am not satisfied in my current job and they have tried to force leadership roles on me when I am not interested (Venus conjunct Mars in late Aries). I would say starting the job when Mercury was retrograde was actually more significant than Uranus, since I went through so much confusion and misinformation from the start that I was constantly frustrated and angry about it.

Everyone is likely a bit different in how they experience transits due to their own influences. I have spoken to astrologers who never noticed their Saturn return, for example, which is generally regarded as one of the most significant astrological periods or rights of passage, and mine was the worst period of my life. If they had a well functioning Saturn it might have even been a beneficial time.

Often Uranus is said to work in ways that surprise us, so if it does manifest, it would be hard for you to know how. You generally just want to be prepared for and open to the unexpected. I doubt it would be a virus at this time since respiratory viral season is long over until towards the end of the year. You should get your flu vaccine in Oct, especially if you are worried about infection.

Thank you Tanit, that was good point about vaccination before winter time, because last perfection Uranus to natal Venus will happen first months next year, after Uranus leave Taurus again into Aries and come back direct again.
In addition my Venus in square to MC-IC axis, so another aspect is transit Uranus in square to angles ant might bring surprises at job or home.

One other thing to mention: a recommendation I remember from Robert Hand's book on transits, which I believe he also had a hand in writing for astro.com interpretations, regarding Uranus is to not resist changes at that time because they are more likely to be disruptive and difficult if you do. I am guessing Uranus transits tend to be more difficult for those who are resistant to change and that might also be why my particular conjunction was nothing noteworthy (since Uranus is so integral in my personality already). If you embrace changes, they are generally more positive, creative, expressive, new, exciting, etc., but still Uranus does have the tendency to have malefic characteristics in certain circumstances.

One thing I might wonder about your romantic life is if you need to try adding new things to revive your relationship, similar to what Hand's astro.com interpretation is saying.

I'm also interested in such matters like if benefic planet mitigates some hard aspects of Uranus transits.
Like in my case if taking look at Uranus transit squares MC-IC and conjunction
natal Venus at the same time, if that softening square to angles.

So far, what I can notice.
My wife work for some union's headquarter and they have dimmer perspective regarding the future, less members can contribute and so her benefits (including health insurance coverage for whole family, which is my 8th house)
might get some cut in the future.
Second, positive, I'm experiencing some spontaneous (daytime) sex with my wife...