Assignation of significator

My quandry concerns an event chart. I've just been contacted by a superior from work and offered a rather challenging work related short trip.

Totally outside my comfort zone and making me very apprehensive but on the other hand a tempting challenge.

I am the querent so the ASC belongs to me. But looking at the situation from a different angle, the superior is the one who made the initial contact, so he took the initiative, therefore the ASC may be assigned to him and I would take the DESC.

Having said that, I suppose giving the ASC to the initiating pary may only be relevant in contest charts which this one isn't.

Because this is such a fresh event which came totally out of the blue the question hasn't matured into a focused shoud-I-take-the-trip horary, and in a sense I feel the potent moment was when I received the phone call.

Any pointers in the right direction? Do a horary?

I think if it was something like a battle between you and him - that kind of event chart - then it may be interesting to think of considering him the initiator of the action and so get assigned the ascendant.

However, in terms of horary then you should use the ascendant for yourself. Also, the question probably does not involve the boss as much as the actual issues of the travel itself and what they raise.

:D Hi Edith,
As you are enquiring about whether to take the trip,the Lord of the Asc. & moon are your significators & use the lord of the 3rd as the short trip.
good luck! :'
Enjoy what you learn,as it keeps the mind youthful!!

To my thinking the very fact that you had an urge to set a chart at the time you received the call strikes me more as a horary. An event chart is unique in that it needs no real interest by the person. I can cast a chart for example, for the start of a Football game (American) and still get a reliable answer, though I have not the slighetest interest in the game.

Re: Assignation of significator

Edith wrote: Because this is such a fresh event which came totally out of the blue the question hasn't matured into a focused shoud-I-take-the-trip horary, and in a sense I feel the potent moment was when I received the phone call.
But if you did not ask a horoary question at the moment you received the phone call it would be not very proper to take this moment for a fictional horary question 'ex post'.

If at all, you should ask the question now and newly, when you feel it has "matured into a focused shoud-I-take-the-trip horary"-question.

But you could take the time of the phone call as an event and consider, what this event means for you at all. Because you are the concerned and asking (but asking not in the sense of a horary-question) person, the ascendant is you in my opinion.

And at last you could make an event chart for the planned starting/departing time of this "rather challenging work related short trip".


Thank you all for your input. I made my decision to take the challenge and have advised office accordingly. Realistically I had only a day or so to make up my mind. If I'd said no, somebody else would have taken up the offer.

I don't know the ETD other than the trip will be in the third week of March and last for probably a few days. Government job, having to deal with a potentially unwilling clientele.

Even though the essence of the decision was 'should I or should I not' I never felt a Horary coming on, for want of a better expression. There wasn't enough time for the energy to build up and I just automatically went to the computer and did a chart for the call, as in jeez, let's have a look and see what the Event chart says.

Maybe I should have bypassed the time of the phone call altogether and gone straight for an out-and-out horary but the biggest moment in this whole exercise was when the phone call came. Between then and the moment I made a firm decision there wasn't any build up of tension, so maybe the Horary and Event are the same moment even though this may not be the most correct thing to do.

Paul, you are dead right, the issue isn't a contest, it is about the trip and more to the point about the actual nature of the work task. Unknown area, unknown territory, apprehension, but could also be a stepping stone.

So for this event/horary exercise I will take the ASC for myself. The trip is by plane, same state but clientele cross cultural, so I could go either 3rd or 9th H. Definitely not my normal commuting scenario but not on the magnitude of an overseas trip either. Probably rather H3 than H9.

I will take everything that has been posted on board. Much learning to do and thank you all again.