Will former employer pay me overseas stipend owed to me ?

Hi.. i have been a student of horary astrology for some 6 months now and I think i am finally doing better predictions. To show it here is my interpretation for something happening to me right now. I learned the basics using Whole House Systems, but was missing a lot, so it has taken me some time to do this using other house systems.

Question: Will my former employer pay me the overseas stipend owed to me?

I include the chart.

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/439/ ... costob.gif

I did this business trip back in July last year, then was fired two months later. But the stipends for that trip were not paid to me. Thinking some kind of foul play had been at work here, I wrote a letter to the authority in the company asking for this amount to be paid to me. I wrote this letter two months ago and today I called to find out what had happened and I was told that the payment hasnt been approved yet by the VicePresident of the Company, with whom I traveled that time. he has had this letter on his desk for some 3 weeks.

In the chart, I am Mercury in the Eleventh HOuse (the employer's money house) and the Moon, on my third house of letters and communications. The Moon also representes my Money House, showing exactly what this is all about. The employer's Money House, ruled by Mars, is peregrine in my second house of money, showing what I expect to happen from this. This is the House representing the Vicepresident too.

The Sun represents my letter, which is on the 10th House and exalted. Now, the MC is ruled by Jupiter and the Sun is in the terms of Jupiter and the decan of Mars. As the Sun transits to the next House it continues being exalted, so my guess is that is just a matter of time, since the VP is also represented by that 11th House, maybe he is waiting for his boss to tell him to go on. Or maybe, since the Sun hasntv recached the Cusp of the 11th, it means that he hasnt considered the letter? The Moon just made a quincux with Jupiter, so some kind of adjustment must have happened. The Sun is also squaring Pluto in the seventh house, and I dont know how to interpret that.

Now, the Moon just made a Trine to Mercury (me) and will Trine Venus within a few degrees. Venus rules the employer's third house of communications. Vensu is currently peregrine in Aries, but it will gain strength as soon as it crosses signs to Taurus.

My estimate is that this money will be paid to me, probably in about six weeks or so. before if leaves the sign, the Moon will oppose Neptune and then Chiron, which is in the ninth house of foreign travel, meaning maybe that the amount will not be what I expected (ideals) but that something will be paid to me to 'heal the wounds'????

Let me know what you think!

I think you're looking at a 1-10 dispute, they're 10, and holding all the cards.

And I wish you'd thought up your question a couple hours earlier when the Moon was partile trine to Mercury.

I really hope I've missed something - possibly the translation of light from the Moon between Merc and Venus will bring it about (Venus ruling 5), so it may be settled through an intermediary, or they'll act like they're doing you a great favour if they pay up at all?

I'm not seeing much good in this one, to be honest. Still, Mars is in 2, so that may mean their money ending up in your pocket after a rocky trip.

And as a rule, Chiron doesn't come into horaries.

Thanks Olivia. I paid attention to my third house ruler, the Sun, because without this letter and communicatiosn from me to my former employer nothing would have happened. Everybody but me had forgotten about it until I asked a friend inside to help me find out what had happened. Hence, the letter and phone calls.

Well, i posed the question one hour or so after I made a phone call to find out whether the Vicepresident had made a decision and I was told that nothing had been decided. So, that recent partile Trine could mean exactly that some kind of action was taking place in that area. Yet, the Moon will sextile the ASCendant within a degree, so this other fact may be of some help. Fifth House rules my profession(diplomacy), so it could happen like you say, Olivia. The Moon is traveling thrugh the Terms of mercury before making a Trine to Venus in a few degrees and will also sextile the fifth house cusp in another one or two degrees. The Moon wil proceed thru the terms of Venus, then Jupiter then Mars! Isnt this amazing? LOL!

They may have changed the rules about paying for those traveling stipends after I was fired, so it makes sense they witheld it and now they could do pay me in whole or in part as a 'favor' to me. Though i was fired it is evident to me that they were forced to do it, that they still regarded me very well as a good professional. But that is another matter.

Anybody else could add a comment?

Hi, Gsoler :)
I've just noticed the south node inside your 2nd - doesn't bode well for money questions, indicates some kind of a loss in the context of this situation.
Since Mercury doesn't perfect the conjunction with Venus in the current sign, I perceive the primary testimony from the Moon's next aspect and that will be the trine with Venus, which is posited in the house signifying the matter inquired about. There, she is dignified by face(although also in detriment!), occidental of the Sun but in an oriental, masculine quarter/sign and out of sect in a day chart, which testifies to the weakness of her signification.
Now, the Moon will be hurt by contacting a planet in its own detriment, which means you'll maybe get only a part of the money(because Venus is a natural benefic and has some small amount of dignity). Or, I might also interpret this contact as promising money(trine) which may never materialize(weak,debilitated benefic only flattering with false hope). Another possibility is that you'll renounce the sum offered,because you may consider it insulting and inappropriate - Moon's contact with debilitated planet might point to such a conclusion.
Mars in your 2nd is still joined,though separating from Saturn, the ruler of long journeys, and each of them placed in the detriment of the other...there is something about this being abroad that is delaying/hurting the payment and vice versa(hope this makes some sense to you!).


Thanks. I had failed to notice that Mercury (me) will sextile Neptune, co-ruler of the tenth house, while still in the eleventh house of the employers' money. SO that should be a good reason to estimate that the money will be paid. The Moon's last aspect is an opposition to Neptune exactly at the same time it makes a quincux to Uranus, ruler or foreign travel, located right now on the tenth house. So my estimate taking into account this testimony is that I do get paid, but less nthan I expected.

What do you think? we had overlooked this testimony.

Well, I never take into account the outer planets in horary(or anywhere else for that matter), especially not as rulers of signs. They have always failed to perform, when taken into account, at least in my practice :-sk


I think you didnt see that the Moon conjoined Mars first before making a Trine to Mercury and will Trine Venus last. Last aspects mean past situations, and it could be the case that something is being processsed but i dont know. I am not surprised because that is the way our bureacracy works. in fact. a friend inside told me that the Vicepresident had instructed a woman to process my payment, and this happened before I asked this horary question. Now, the mutual recepction by houses that we can see here probably means that, since I owe them money and they owe me too, some kind of sum will finally be paid to me, but not all. That is why Mars is in my second house and why the Moon's last aspect before Trining Mecury was a conjunction with Mars in the same sign of Leo.

Goca wrote:Will my former employer pay me the overseas stipend owed to me? (note: you did not ask to send me letter or contact me, then you would look 3 H)
Your employer is Ju, their money is Ma.
You are Me, your money is Moon.
We look for applaying aspect between their money, Ma, and your pocket, Moon or you, Me. I do not see any. So, this is NO answer to your question.

Now, the mutual recepction by houses that we can see here
There's no such concept in horary tradition. Could you please elaborate what you mean by this?
Past aspects are often useful when it comes to gaining insight into what led to the question/current situation, but they cannot decide on the matter; for questions such as these(whether something will come to pass or not), we look primarily to applying aspects.


I meant to say that the ruler of the former employer's Money house is Mars, which is located in my second house of Money, and the ruler of my money house, the Moon, is making aspects to planets located in their house of money. Didnt imply any necessary predictive situation of that, is just reflecting what is going on.

I will post feedback when i have something concrete allowing me to see how accurate or wrong i was with this reading.

I was notified today that the Vicepresident at my former Job gave instructions to pay me the full amount owed to me, and that this happened before I asked this horary question, so I guess the separating aspects in this chart do show what had happened. I still dont know when will this happen, but the final Moon Trine Venus, natural ruler of Money, is probably a good outcome that has yet to happen.