That is an excellent point, SusieN! I have been wondering whether the money follows the numbers of the people myself. I think as an act of the subconscious the money follows the people, but if there were any sort of science behind the act of speculatioin - it would follow the numbers.

I would love to discuss this problem. Naw, pregnancy is nothing for me.... :???:

Ancient Stars: I think you are right!

Hi Andrew

I bought a lottery ticket on this election chart:

22 January 2009
Cape Town
10.09 am
Asc 23 Pis 44
Moon 19 Sag 06

I was pretty excited about this chart, until I saw the dreaded SN in the 5th!

What say you?


The Dragon's tail is 'headless'. It is a point of addiction. In my opinion it means giving loss to things. It is a point of blind faith and the point of gambling. It does not necessarily loosing, but there is no guarantee and you are likely to either loose yourself or be at loss with the outcome. The South Node could prove to be a point of lure and temptation. Remember the is the danger of getting sucked in by the maelstrom (tumoil) of the currents of the past in the wake of the Dragonship!

Thank you for the input, Ancient Stars! :)

Purchased a ticket

Just purchased a lottery ticket:


10.36 AM(AEST/GMT+10)
153E07 28S03

Mars -1st and the 8th lord exalted in 10th.
So,I will ignore all negativity.(Luminaries in detriment,my gambling rationale)

Mars is applying to trine of Saturn-the 10th and 11th lord.For Saturn this is retrograde application and it is moving back into 5th house.

Sun, the Almuten of 1st and the lord of the 5th, is conjunct Jupiter(cazimi) -9th lord (Luck)- in 10th house.Jupiter is also the dispositor of POF.

Both,Sun and Jupiter are conj NN.

All subsequent aspects of moon are favourable.

Please don't envy me- I am going to win this Jackpot and be famous and rich

I will let you know the results-but no sharing of the Jackpot :,

I hope I can get my money back.

PD :-cry


Did you have any luck? I couldn't believe it when I saw your chart as it was so similar to my chart at the time of purchasing a winning ticket. Only a small win this time but I am grateful - $78 on Lotto Strike, which is having the correct placement of any of the first four numbers down in that order - we had two in the right place. The purchase chart produced Leo on the 5th with an Aries ascendant and the Sun in the 10th conjunct Jupiter.

Time of Purchase
40S55 175E01

I tried using the chart feature to upload but had a bit of difficulty.

Good luck

Hi Tracey,

Congratulations and thanks for the info.Now, I have enough time to get the wishlist ready :D
The draw is on the 27/01/09. If I win anything at all then maybe there is something in this configuration after all . :idea:



I looked at the time of the draw to see how the changed positions might relate to the time of purchase and see that moveable signs are still on the angles with Moon ruled Cancer on the 1st and that Jupiter rules the 5th! The Jupiter/Sun/Node conjunction shifts to the 7th. Mars, which ruled Asc at the time of purchase, is on the 6th/7th axis in the 6th conjunct Mercury, ruler of the 2nd.

Be interesting to see the differences in the time-of-draw charts.

Bon chance