Birds (& planes) are Sun & Mercury. Not sure how we would have isolated the Sun in the race chart though.

Well done to Hera for Sovereign Debt. :'
If it's not astronomically true, it's not astrologically true.

The imagery of the eagle has always been identified with the qualities of strength, courage, nobility and dignity, which accords with Ptolemy's belief that its stars are of the nature of Mars and Jupiter.[3] Manilius illustrates the Martian trait in his description of those born under its influence:

He that is born in the hour of its rising will grow up bent on spoil and plunder, won even with bloodshed ? Yet, should perchance his aggressiveness be enlisted in a noble cause, depravity will turn to virtue, and he will succeed in bringing wars to a conclusion and enriching his country with glorious triumphs.

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A canary or a parrot or a magpie, for example, would be a Mercury bird. A pigeon though, is almost certainly Moon. An Owl would be saturn, unless we are talking about an eagle owl, in which case, it would almost certainly be a Mars bird, because it's an eagle and mars rules eagles.

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Mars doesn't rule all birds, for sure. But it does rule birds of prey and especially those birds that are symbols of the military. Like eagles, for example. Or Hillary Clinton, who's a very mars type bird.
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In Sue Tompkins's contemporary astrologer's handbook, on page115 under the 'The Body' section of mercury, Sue wrote 'So do the hands but, in as much as as our legs help us to get from A to B, Mercury can inform us about all our limbs'. mercury is the next aspect of moon :P

GB wrote:Lilly gives a number of different indicators for Eagle. I use Lee Lehman's "The Book of Rulerships". She gives page numbers in the Regulus edition of Christian Astrology:

Sun page 72
Venus page 75
Mars Page 68
Jupiter page 64

All the page references are from Lee's book, I have not verified them in CA.
Hi GB, ModWasp, do you have Rex Bills' rulership book? I wonder how it compares with Lee's one. I am reading mostly Sue Tomkins' handbook and CA.

No, Mars only rules birds of prey when it's in Gemini, Virgo, or Leo.
In the case of the Epsom derby chart, Wings of Eagles is signified my Mars in Gemini, as mentioned previously.

I thank you.
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